Dang it.


“Ring the bell, Dad!” Mariana bounced up and down beside me, wearing an excited smile after a long day of selling cookies and cupcakes. “She’s gonna be so excited, just watch.”

I knocked, never taking my eyes off the little girl who’d entered my life just a few short months ago, but who I now couldn’t imagine life without. “I’m not sure anyone can be more excited than you, Mari.”

“Dad we sold out everything. Everything!” She stopped bouncing and grabbed my hand. “That almost never happens. I heard the other moms complaining about it. Oops, I’m not supposed to say that am I?”

“Say what?” Brenna opened the door, wearing a smile and a pair of skintight jeans that showed off her long and shapely legs.

“Hi Brenna!” Mariana flung herself at Brenna’s legs, hugging with all her might. “I’m not supposed to say I was listening to adults talking about adult things.”

Brenna pulled back with a curious gaze for Mari and one for me. “That depends. Did you pick up any juicy gossip? Because in this town, gossip is just as good as money.”


I stepped in between the chattering women. “Let’s not get her on the gossip train, just yet. All right?”

“Oh fine,” Brenna said in a sing-song voice and stepped back. “Come on in. How did the bake sale go?”

“So good, Brenna! We sold out every cookie and every cupcake you made! Every single one of them, how cool is that?”

“Very cool. I’m sure it had more to do with your adorable self than my cookies.”

“No way, everyone loved the chocolate chunk cookies so much. Even dad bought a dozen just for us. Lots of moms bought the skinny sugar cookies too.”

“I’ll just bet they did,” she said, her blue eyes lit with mischief as they landed on me. “Congratulations then, on a successful day.”

“We’re taking you out to dinner,” Mariana proclaimed. “As a thank you and because I missed you.”

“Pizza?” Mariana nodded. “I do love pizza.”

“Me too,” she said with an excited jump.

“I do too,” I added with a sardonic grin. “Not that anyone asks.”

“You’re a boy, Dad, of course you love pizza.” She turned back to Brenna. “So you’ll come to dinner with us?”

“Absolutely. It’s important to celebrate every win, big or small.”

Her smile brightened. “That’s what Mama always said too. I have to use the bathroom.”

“Down the hall on the right,” Brenna said with laughter in her voice. “She’s in a good mood.”

“I am too. Now.” I stepped in and cupped her face, kissing her slowly and gently, tasting every inch of her mouth because I simply could not get enough of this woman. “Hi.”

“Well, hey there, handsome. Long day?”

I nodded. “The longest. It was an endless line of single moms flirting and pressing their tits in my face.”

“Sounds like a good time for a young, virile man.”

“Normally it would’ve been, but I could only think about one woman and one set of boobs.”

She let out a throat laugh and pressed another kiss to my lips. “You’re only thinkin’ about me because I did that thing you like.”

I grunted and pressed my body against hers. “Don’t talk about it or I won’t be able to control myself.” All day, flashes of those bright red lips wrapped around my cock, haunted me. Tortured me. It was the longest, slowest blow job of my life and produced an orgasm so powerful I fell to my knees. “See what you’ve done?”

She pressed against me and laughed. “Tempting. But there’s a little girl down the hall and pizza for dinner.”

“Tease,” I growled and nipped her ear.

“You love it,” she shot back with a teasing grin but the truth was I did love it, and I had a sinking feeling I was starting to love the woman too.

“Okay, I’m ready!” Mariana’s quick footsteps sounded until she came to a skidding stop right in front of us. “I want cheeseburger pizza, please.”

“You heard the girl.” Brenna arched her blond brows into a teasing expression. “Let’s go get pizza!”

We made quick time on the walk over to the pizza parlor, with Mariana keeping up a steady conversation along the way. Watching the two females together, so animated and happy to just be around each other, was a revelation. It made me start to think of things I wasn’t sure I should be thinking, things I wasn’t honestly sure I was even ready to think about. But the way Brenna took Mariana by the arm and twirled her in dancing circles while they waited for a couple of cars to pass, had me second-guessing my own thoughts and wants and feelings.

The restaurant was packed with families. And loud. We were seated at a table right in the middle of the chaos, which I didn’t mind, except we drew stares from all directions. Which I did mind.