Brenna nodded and smiled down at me. “Good and hot.”

I stared at the lace panties she wore. When I turned her around, I saw that the sexy little shorts cut through her plump ass cheeks, and the sight made my mouth water. I gave her cheek a smack and she gasped with pleasure. My tongue found her hot and damp through the panties, and she let out a shuddery sigh. For long minutes I kept her like that, facing the door while I gripped her ass cheeks and licked from behind over her panties.

Brenna shook and trembled. “Grant,” she panted and I turned her back to face me, tugging the lacy panties over her hips and down her legs with my teeth. “Mmm, dirty.”

“You impressed yet, Brenna?” I was close enough to see the glisten on her swollen clit and I knew she could feel my hot breath between her warm thighs.

She laughed and threw one leg over my shoulder. “I’m fixin’ to be real impressed, as soon as you get down to business.”

My cock twitched at her command, and I leaned in until the tip of my tongue slid between her thick bare lips and her hips bucked forward. On and on I licked and sucked, teasing Brenna with my mouth until she fell apart and her sweet honey coated my tongue.

Her legs shook and I picked her up, held her mostly naked body in my arms. “Bed? Sofa? Shower?”

Brenna laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m so impressed that I’m just gonna say yes, Grant. Hell yes.”

We started on the sofa before making our way to the bedroom and sometime, just before the sun came up, we said a long hot goodbye in the shower. Twice.


“Remember, The Big Tease is always here for your hairstylin’ needs!” I waved off a couple of new customers who’d driven all the way from Tulip just to get their hair done by yours truly. They both wore satisfied smiles as they talked about wowing their friends with their new looks.

When the women were gone, I dropped down into one of my chairs to catch my breath. One of the stylists had decided to skip town to visit her boyfriend in Louisiana, which left me handling double the customers, and it seemed like every woman in Texas wanted her hair done today. Business was good and I would never complain about that, but I was exhausted in the best way possible.

And that thought took me back a few days to the last time I was pleasantly exhausted and aching all over. Grant. That was, hands down, the hottest one night stand of my entire life. The man knew how to please a woman and he was eager to please, something I’ve always appreciated in a guy. My legs were shaky for a day or two afterwards, and even now, just the memory of the way he’d taken me with his mouth up against the door, was enough to get me all hot and bothered.

Luckily my afternoon appointments started to arrive, sixty year old best friends who came every other week for the full salon gossip experience. “Barbara and Duffy, how are you ladies doing?”

Barbara waved off the question. “We’re fine. What we want to know is who put that big grin on your face? Spill, honey.”

Oh there was no way in hell I was spilling the details of my date with Grant. It was too fun and too special to ruin by sharing. I wanted to think of that night untainted by expectation or gossip.

“I’ll give you an extra three minutes of scalp massage if you change the subject.”

Barbara smiled and shook her head. “I have a massage in two days so get to talkin’ honey.” She took a seat in an empty chair and I grabbed two smocks to drape across the women. “We’re waiting. Let a couple of old ladies live vicariously through you.”

“I’m just happy that business is going so well,” I told her. “New business don’t often do well, but thanks to customers like you ladies, my business is boomin’.”

“Bull hockey,” Duffy said, disappointment heavy in her voice.

The bell over the door sounded and I sighed, hoping I wouldn’t have to turn away a walk-in. “Be with you in a moment,” I called out as the sound of high heels sounded on my hard floors. Something told me not to turn around, but I was never good at listening to my instincts, no matter how hard I tried. “Sophie. Olive. Hey.”

“Don’t you hey us,” Olive said, hands resting on top of her pregnant belly. “We came to see how your date went.”

“Oh, a date,” Duffy said in a sing-song voice.

“I knew there was a reason,” Barbara added with a smile.

I sighed, ignoring the old women in favor of the younger women with the expectant looks aimed in my direction. “I haven’t even had time to process how it went yet.”