“Yeah, if you say so.”

“I only send flowers when I really like a girl,” he said with a shrug and tossed a wave over his shoulder as he left the salon.

“See? That kid is young and hot and totally full of himself, and even he sends flowers when he really likes a girl. Grant must really like you, logically speaking.”

I stared at the big vase of colorful flowers, pink and purple and red and yellow and green. They were gorgeous and just staring at them brought a smile to my face. Then I read the card and felt a blush creep up my cheeks.

“Oh, what does it say? Share with the class, Ms. McKenna.” Shannon’s voice was filled with amusement, almost as if she knew what the card said.

“Thank you for making Mariana and her dad so happy. It’s only fair I do a little something to make you happy. Grant.” I stared at her with my eyebrows raised, an expression on my face that said I told you so. “Flowers for making Mariana happy.”

“Newsflash Brenna, he’s thanking you because it’s not your job to make her happy but you did it anyway. I won’t expect Miles to come home with flowers every day because I’m being a good mom because it’s my job to be.”

She made a good point. “It’s so unfair, Shannon. How can I keep my distance when he does stuff like this?”

“You can’t so stop fighting it. Don’t make me get trite on you by telling you that it’s better to have loved and lost than always wonder if you were too chickenshit to go after love.” Her lips twitched as she fought the laughter bubbling up inside of her.

“You need to brush up on your sayings because I’m pretty sure you butchered that one.”

Just then, the laughter exploded out of her, loud and guffawing and contagious as all get out. “My wording was more effective.”


“Okay, how about this one then? All is fair in love and war, or something like that. Right?” Shannon shrugged pushed out of the salon chair with a sheepish smile. “He’s not playing fair, so why should you?”

Her parting words stayed with me for the rest of the day.


Brenna opened the door in shock, gorgeous shock. She was fresh from the shower with damp blond hair, slightly pinkened skin and a long pink robe wrapped around her body. In a word, she was mouthwatering. “Grant. What are you doing here? Did we have plans?”

“We didn’t,” I told her with a smile. “But if you’re not busy, I would love to whip up a little something for you. Show you my skills aren’t just limited to fajitas.”

Her lips quirked into a pretty smile, slightly amused. “Pretty sure you already showed me that.”

“I’m glad you remember.”

She fanned her face. “As if I could forget.”

“Excellent.” I picked the two canvas bags up, because Mariana had insisted I do my part to leave her a livable world to grow up in, and took a step forward. “So, are you busy?”

A host of emotions played across her face, each one passing too fast to identify before the next one replaced it. Finally, she made a decision. “Not too busy to let a handsome man cook for me. Come on in.”

Those were just the words I wanted to hear. “Did you have a good shower?”

She nodded and stood back to let me in, closing the door and locking it once I was inside. “It was very satisfying.”

Holy shit, was she flirting with me? “I’d love to hear all about it.”

Brenna’s laugh was loud and throaty, full of life and amusement. She leaned on the opposite side of the counter and arched a brow. “You want me to regale you with tales of my shower?”

I nodded, pressing my luck. “Why not?”

Her blue eyes twinkled as she settled onto a stool, the movement making her robe gape just a little, offering up a satisfying glimpse of soft, creamy cleavage. “Let’s see, I was feeling very dirty after a long day at the salon so I cranked the water as hot as I could stand it, eager to try out my new coconut pineapple body wash. Want to smell?”

I nodded and she leaned in, offering up the crook of her neck for me to inhale. “Delicious,” I growled and pressed my lips to her racing pulse.

Brenna sat back, spine erect with a smile on her face. “I lathered myself up with a good amount of soap and let the hot water rain down on my body, sliding down all the dips and curves until the water ran clear.”

I licked my lips and she let out a soft, shuddering sigh.

“I lathered up twice.”

“Okay.” I held my hands up to get her to stop because at this point it was torture and only the tall counter hid my state of arousal, though her smile said she already knew. “Thanks. That was very…informative.”