Liam smiled through his grunt and dropped down into one of the small bistro chairs. “Maybe if you had a woman to warm your bed, you’d understand how difficult it is to leave in the mornings.”

“Speaking of, how was your date with Brenna?” Miles took the empty seat that faced the register, so he could flash goofy grins at his woman the whole time.

“It was fine. And why are you late? Shannon’s been here since I got here.”

“So, the date?”

I glared at Liam. “Are you really interested, or are you doing recon for Olive?”

He shrugged. “A little of both, I guess. Did you bomb again?”

I shook my head. “You two are like the gossiping old ladies who run this town.”

Miles threw his head back and laughed. “This is what passes during the day for small town entertainment so get used to it. And tell us how it went.”

How did the date go? “It started out rough when I pulled into the parking lot of Tomahawk Sushi.” They laughed until they cried while I recounted our conversation in the car, including Brenna’s failed sushi date. “But I got her inside and we had a good time. Really good. She’s nice and gorgeous, and she is always a good time. What’s not to like?” Best of all, Brenna didn’t seem to be hunting for a husband. Or forever. “And that’s all I’m saying before you start planning my wedding.”

“You’re safe with us,” Miles assured me. “I’d be more worried about Sophie, Eva and Olive.”

“Yeah,” Liam agreed. “They’ve been on a roll lately and won’t let anything stop them, so if you’re not looking for love, back away slowly.”

Shannon stopped at the table, with an affectionate smile as she rubbed her big pregnant belly. “Hey babe,” she cooed and leaned in for a kiss that had Miles smiling like a fool in love. “Hey guys.”

“Looking good, Shannon.” She was one of those women who looked good pregnant, all glowing and happy, which probably had to do with her impressive cleavage.

“Thanks, Grant.” Her smile lingered on me, but not in a flirtatious kind of way, more like a knowing way. As if she knew something, which made me wonder what Brenna had told her about me. About us. “As handsome as you boys are, you need to buy something or clear out.” She sauntered off with a cute little finger wave.

“I know what that look means,” Miles said. “Even if Shannon won’t admit it or answer any of my questions.”

I didn’t care what she knew as long as she kept it to herself. “I like your woman more each day,” I told him and stood to order our breakfast, which mostly consisted of too much coffee.

“Next!” Mara’s familiar bark never failed to bring a smile to my face, and the bored look she sent me as I approached the counter actually made me laugh. “Welcome to Bread Box, what can I get you?”

“I’ll have the savory and sweet twelve pack, please.”

“Anything else?” I knew that slightly unimpressed look wasn’t reserved just for me, but it was fun to tease her.

“Two large black coffees and one latte, big as you have. What is it about me that you don’t like Mara?”

She looked up at me, a hint of surprise in her eyes. “I don’t know you to like you or not, Grant. But I don’t mind looking at you, so there’s that.”

I laughed at her brutal honesty. “Thanks. I like looking at you too. A woman scowling at me every day keeps me humble.”

“Humble? I’ll believe that when I see it.” She laughed as she turned away to prepare the coffees and I laughed again.

Maybe I wasn’t exactly humble, but Brenna seemed to think so. As gorgeous as she looked in those tight jeans and bright red top, the most memorable part of the date had been her coming to my defense trying to prove I was as special as my brothers. It wasn’t true, but I appreciated it anyway.

Ah, hell, I couldn’t wait to see the woman again. She had gotten under my skin and I liked spending time with her, with and without our clothes on.

“Ew, don’t have dirty thoughts while you’re in my line.” Mara glared at me as she set the coffees on a tray and went to retrieve the pastries.

“You can’t stop my thoughts, Mara. No matter how hard you scowl at me.”

She laughed and it lit up her whole face. “My scowl might not be effective, but if I catch you having dirty thoughts about Brenna in front of me again, I’ll put laxative in your favorite donuts.”

I swallowed hard, knowing this woman wasn’t one to bluff, but I couldn’t resist. “You don’t even know my favorite donut.”

“Bavarian cream.”

“Dammit. Fine, no more dirty thoughts.”

Her smile brightened. “Have a wonderful day!”