“Nix,” cautioned Benny as he pulled her away from the reaper. She jerked free of his grip and drew her sword. Dojigiri glittered in the bright sunlight, but for all its deadly promise, Brother Peter seemed not to care in the slightest.

Lilah’s pistol was rock-steady in her grip. “Get out of here.”

Without an iota of haste, Brother Peter slid his knife back into its sheath. “Listen to me,” he said softly. “We all walk away from this moment. But understand me—I want what you gave to Captain Ledger. You will bring it to me.”

“Why do you think we’d even consider it?” snapped Nix.

Brother Peter held out his arm, pointing across the miles toward Sanctuary. “Because I think you care about those people at Sanctuary. The sick, the helpless.” He paused. “The children.”

Benny heard Riot’s sharp intake of breath.

“You think that Sanctuary is a fortress,” said the reaper, “that you’re safe there.”

“We are,” said Nix firmly.

Brother Peter picked up the satchel and stowed it in the rear compartment of his quad. “Fail to bring me what you stole and you’ll learn exactly how safe Sanctuary is.”

“She’s right,” said Benny. “Try anything and the army will stop you.”

Brother Peter snorted. The reapers laughed. Harsh, brutal laughs that seemed to be fueled by some certain knowledge of what Brother Peter was suggesting. They winked at one another and traded high fives.

“You’re a strange boy,” said Brother Peter. “Do you really think the ‘army’ will rise to your defense?”

“Me personally? Probably not,” admitted Benny. “I’m no one. But if you try to take it from Captain Ledger, then, sure, they’ll have his back. But it’s stupid. You have knives, they’ve got guns.”

Brother Peter shook his head. “There aren’t enough bullets in the world to stop the will of Thanatos—all praise to his darkness.”

The reapers echoed his words.

“I’ll give you until sunset tomorrow,” said Brother Peter as he climbed onto his quad. “That should be more than enough time to find a way to trick Joe Ledger into returning what you stole. Bring it here and leave it on the edge of the ravine weighted down with a rock. We won’t interfere with you delivering it.”

“Hey, man, I gave you the satchel,” said Benny. “Like I said, I get to keep whatever I found yesterday. Call it a draw.”

“No,” said Brother Peter, “let’s not.”

Lilah edged around to stand with Benny and the others. “Get out of here,” she said.

Brother Peter’s eyes were filled with dark mystery. “There is a storm coming,” he said. “It is the breath of my god, and it will be more powerful than any hurricane you’ve ever seen. The clouds will open and a rain of blood will pour down upon you. The coming storm will blow down the structures of your old world; it will seek out the blasphemers no matter where they hide. It will cleanse the earth, and when it has passed there will be no proof that you—that any of you—ever even lived.”

Benny wanted to hit him with a snappy comeback, but there was something in Brother Peter’s voice, some look in his eye that made the words die on his tongue.

“You have until tomorrow evening,” said Brother Peter. He signaled the reapers to start their engines. They turned and drove away, crossed the clearing, and passed single file into the forest.


THE LOST GIRL LOWERED HER gun and picked up her spear.

Nix let out a long, ragged breath, sheathed her sword, turned, and punched Benny in the chest as hard as she could.

“Wait—OWW! What was that for?” he bellowed.

“You just gave him the satchel?” seethed Nix. “You just up and handed over the only clues we have to where Dr. McReady might be?”

“No, I—”

“What in tarnation is going on in your head, boy?” asked Riot. “Or is there anything at all happening in there?”

“No,” said Lilah, “he’s not very bright.”