“There’s a sister?”

“There was. She died a while back. Look, I’ll put that stuff together. I know where to look for everything on the Conroys. Who’s the other target?”

“Prison doctor from Rockview. Herman Volker. When I did a background on him for my story I got as far as him being from Europe. The name’s German, but the accent isn’t. Sounds Polish or something. Lived here a long time. Medical degree from Jefferson in Philly. ”

“Okay. I’ll get what I can get. Anything else?”

“No, sweetie, but I need this ASAP. ”

“Is this tied with what’s happening at Doc’s?”

“I don’t know. We stopped there and ran into Dez, and that could have gone better. She ran us off. ”

“Ouch,” she said. “I’ll see if I can find out what’s going on out there. Lots of cops on that one and more coming in, and they just made a second call for ambulances. ”

“Who’s hurt?”

“Unknown. They’ve switched to a tactical channel that we can’t get. ”

Trout felt a momentary flash of panic in his chest. Please don’t let it be Dez, he thought.

Marcia, insightful as ever, said, “I’ll call Flower over at the station and see if I can pry anything out of her. Dez probably beat someone up because he looked like you. ”

“Nice. ”

“Seriously, Billy, I’m sure everything’s copacetic,” Marcia laughed.

“Thanks. You rock, Marcia. ”

“You have no idea,” she said with a wicked laugh and hung up.

Goat was grinning as Trout put his phone away.

“What?” asked Trout.

“When are you going to tap that?”

“She’s a coworker. ”

“Uh-huh. Not after hours and not between the sheets. She’s a wild woman. ”

“How the hell would you know?” growled Trout.

Goat’s grin broadened. “The only way there is to know. ”

Trout looked at him. “Is there anyone you haven’t screwed?”

“In Stebbins?”

“In North America. ”

Goat considered. “I haven’t screwed that cop with the tits. ”

Trout shook his head. “You’re not her type. ”

“Why? ’Cause I’m Jewish?”

“No. ’Cause you’re sane. ”