“I have just taken tactical command of this situation. ”

“What happened to Dietrich?”

“He’s been relieved of his duties, Officer Fox. I am speaking to you now on the direct orders and behalf of the President of the United States. ”

“I didn’t vote for him,” she said, just to be pissy.

“That doesn’t make him any less your president or any less my boss,” said Zetter. “I give you my personal word, for whatever you think that’s worth, that we are willing to listen to what you have to say. ”

“That’s not enough, general,” she fired back. “I’m looking out the window at a bunch of gunships. If we hadn’t posted those videos we’d be dead right about now. ”

“Yes,” agreed the general, “you would. And I make no apology for that. We are facing a terrible crisis and the nature of it has forced us to make some very hard choices. ”

“Like slaughtering an entire town?”

The general paused only a moment, Dez had to give him that. “Yes,” he said. “As horrible, tragic, and regrettable as that is. The disease pathogen at large in Stebbins has no equal on earth. Though it will sound harsh to say it, I believe that it is because of God’s mercy that we had this hurricane, because without it the plague would doubtless have spread much farther than it has. That is not a fatuous comment, Officer Fox, and it is not as heartless as it sounds. ”

“I’m sure we’re all touched by your concern. ”

“The president wants me to assure you that everything that should and must be done will be done to bring those responsible for this disaster to justice. ”

“That doesn’t do much for the people of Stebbins, General. And it doesn’t do much for the kids here in the school. I want to know what you’re going to do to resolve this situation. ”

“The simple truth is that the best and safest way to protect the entire country would be to carpet bomb Stebbins with thermobaric weapons. That plan was approved prior to the posting of your second video. ”

“That’s what you have in the Apaches?”

“Yes. ”

“And now…?”

“Now this has become a different matter. Even as we speak the entire country is raising its voice in protest. Stebbins is on everyone’s tongue. The White House switchboard has been totally jammed for two hours. No one is talking about anything else. ”

“So … does that mean you’re going to get us the hell out of here?”

“We are discussing options on how to do that,” said Zetter. “I need to know that you understand how serious this is. ”

“We’re trapped in a school surrounded by zombies, General. Yeah, we get how fucking serious it is. ”

“Then tell me … if you were in my shoes, knowing what you know about this disease, what would you do?”

“Nice try,” said Dez, “but I’m not a general, a scientist, or the president. We want you to solve this. ”

“We can’t. The best we can do is either eradicate it or wait it out. The thermobaric option has a ninety-three percent estimated chance of success. ”

“What are the odds on quarantine?”

“To be frank, fifty-fifty at best. I advised the president that it is a gamble not worth taking. I stand by my comment. If one infected person breaks quarantine then we are likely to be facing an apocalyptic plague. Those words are chosen with precision, Officer Fox. This would be a biological apocalypse. ”

“Okay,” Dez said tersely, “So why are we talking? I’m still looking out the window at rockets and miniguns. ”

“My scouts said that the back door of the school was open for a significant length of time, and they reported gunfire from inside the school. That suggests that some of the infected are inside the school. ”

“All of the living dead have been taken care of,” said Dez.

“What about people with bites or exposure to the black blood? Do you know what that is?”

“Yes. ”