“You survived Vietnam and taught high school for a million years. I’m sure you can come up with some pretty creative ways to mess with Momma.” Harm had faith in her little old men.

“Now that I put my mind to it, I’ve got a couple of ideas.” His confidence and craftiness were back. “I’m gonna call you back tomorrow and tell you know how it went. I gotta go before we get busted back here.”

“Good luck.” Harmony screwed the cap back on the fingernail polish and then hung up.

It looked like Momma was about to have her hands full. And, God willing, Harmony was going to add to the chaos.

* * *

Chapter 16

* * *

An hour later, Harmony not so patiently watched her phone for any new tweets. All of her social media accounts had been suspiciously silent. The twin pics had been out in the world for close to two hours and … nothing. Considering she had a hefty number of followers from her time on Cupcake Cage Match—and by virtue of being Heath Montgomery’s sister-in-law—it made her nervous.

Before she could check Facebook for the fiftieth time in the last half an hour, the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” Harm rushed to the door. Maybe it was a reporter coming to do a piece on Lyric’s evil twin. She opened the door wearing her brightest smile in case they were rolling live.

No lights, no camera, no action. A short, thin man stood there wearing an American Airlines flight attendant’s uniform, lots of attitude, and a name tag that read “Tre.”

“Wonder Woman, I got here as fast as I could.” Tre pushed past Harmony, pulling a black carry-on bag behind him. “I hope I’m not too late.”

Harm fought the urge to look around for Wonder Woman. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

Tre analyzed her face like he was looking for signs of brain trauma. “Oh no, you really are on drugs.” He pulled her into a tight hug. “Well, I’m here now.” He patted her on the back and then let her go. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“Okay.” She looked down at him. “I think you’re here for my sister, Lyric.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to pretend, it’s me. I’ve seen you at your … um …” His eyes passed down her body and then moved back up again. “Actually, I think today’s look is worse than the missing dress from the plane.”

“Lyric, someone named Tre is here to see you.” Harmony nodded for him to follow her. “Let’s see if we can find her.”

“What?” Lyric called from the kitchen. “Did you say Tre?”

Tre pushed passed Harmony again and rushed into the kitchen. He parked the bag by the pantry door and ran toward Lyric, who was sitting at the kitchen table working on her laptop.

“There’s my Wonder Woman.” He threw his arms around her and then pulled back. “Let me look at you.” He took in her sister’s baggy jeans and brown T-shirt with a wanted poster of Schrödinger’s cat on the front. “It looks like I got here just in time.”

Lyric smiled up at Tre. “Harm, this is the flight attendant I was telling you about. He sa

ved me on the flight back from Hawaii when he duct-taped me into a dress.”

“Baby doll, it was my pleasure.” He pulled up the chair next to Lyric. “Now, what’s this about you turning to prostitution to support your drug habit? Is there trouble in paradise?”

Lyric turned to Harmony for translation.

Harmony was surprised she didn’t know. “The bar fight the other night. Somehow, the tabloids think you’ve turned to prostitution to pay for your drug habit.”

Lyric looked like she was replaying the words in her head, trying to make sense out of them. “I don’t understand.”

“Then it’s not true?” Tre fanned himself. “Thank Jesus.”

Lyric smiled at him. “Sorry you came all of this way for nothing.”

“It was no trouble. I live close to DFW.” His phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his vest pocket and looked at the screen. “Did y’all just post some photos?”

Harm pulled out the chair next to him. “Yes. Why? Is there a post about them?”