



New York Times and USA Today bestselling author TRACY WOLFF lives in Texas and teaches writing at her local community college. She is married and the mother of three young sons.

Twitter: @TracyWolff

Read on for an excerpt from

Royal Treatment

His Royal Hotness

by Tracy Wolff

Available from Loveswept

Chapter 1


They say I’ll get used to this.

After all, what’s there to get used to, really?

Lounging around, doing whatever I want whenever I want, living a life of absolute luxury with absolutely no responsibility…

It’s a dream come true.

Or at least, that’s what everybody tells me. That this new life of mine—as the spare instead of the heir—is the best thing to ever happen to me.

Too bad I’m not nearly as sure.

That’s not to say I haven’t given it the old Royal try…because I have. For more than a month now.

I’ve slept with half a dozen women in as many weeks.

Have drunk my weight in bourbon and champagne more times than I care to count.

Have raced the world’s fastest cars on the world’s fastest race tracks and frittered away copious amounts of money on absolutely nothing of value…

I’ve even hopped from one hotspot to the next—from Rio to the Azores to Patagonia, for God’s sake—which is pretty much at the end of the fucking world. I’ve been to more parties in the six weeks since I’ve gotten a clean bill of health than in the first twenty-eight years of my life. And that’s saying something, considering major galas have been a part of my existence since I learned how to walk. Maybe even longer.

And now I’m here, sunning myself on a

rock near a secluded watering hole in the small village of Tournemire and whining to myself about how much I hate my new life. Could I be any more of a spoiled prick if I tried?

It’s obnoxious and I’m pathetic. Not to mention completely useless.

The man once trusted to rule the country now can’t even be trusted to be in the royal palace…at least not when serious business is afoot.