He laughs, too. “I think they still call it all kinds of things, but I was actually talking about your cookies.”

“Oh, I know you were,” I tease as I take his hand and lead him up the walk to my house. Avery and Niall are already on the front porch waiting for us.

“What can I say?” His grin is downright wicked. “You make really good cookies.”

“She does,” Avery agrees out of nowhere. “They’re amazing.”

I manage to keep a straight face, but Kian cracks up. Even Niall snickers, which only makes poor Avery look even more confused.

“Ignore them,” I tell him, patting his arm. “They’re a bunch of adolescents. But if you tell me your favorite cookie, I’ll make you a batch tomorrow.”

“Hey, I like cookies!” Niall complains. “You could make me a batch, too.”

I shoot him an arch look. “I only make cookies for nice boys.”

He snorts. “I happen to know that’s not true.” He looks pointedly at his employer before ducking into my house to make sure no assassins are lying in wait for the prince.

“I’m a big fan of chocolate chip,” Avery says as he follows him inside. “And I’m a very good boy.”

Kian rolls his eyes behind Avery’s back, then bends down and picks a large bag off the ground. “I swear, you’ve bewitched my entire detail.”

“I’m pretty sure I’d have to be magic to bewitch anyone.”

“Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure you are magic.” He leans forward, presses a quick kiss to my mouth. “I’m serious. When he found out I planned to come back over here tonight, I think Lucas was upset it was his night off.”

“Of course he was. Who wouldn’t be upset about not getting the chance to spend the night in a cramped SUV? I line up for the chance at least once a week. Obviously.”

“That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day.” He smooths his thumb along my lower lip. “You know that, right?”

“I’m pretty sure what you mean is that my mouth is going to get you in trouble one day.”

Kian grins. “Maybe that is what I mean.”

“Yeah, I thought so.” I wrap a hand around the back of his neck, start to pull his lips down to mine, but Niall and Avery choose that moment to clomp back onto the porch.

“All clear,” Niall says cheerfully. He’s holding my cookie jar in his hands. “Hope you don’t mind. All that talk of cookies made me hungry.”

Kian looks amused, Avery looks appalled and I can’t stop laughing. I’m beginning to realize I’m as nuts about Kian’s detail as I am about him, which is crazy and delightful and a little terrifying, all at the same time.

I don’t remember much about Garrett’s bodyguards, but I know they weren’t this much fun. Then again, neither was Garrett. He was always too wrapped up in the appearance of being princely to ever forget himself—even for a second—and just be human.

Kian, on the oth

er hand, seems to forget that he’s a prince more times than not.

“What are your favorite cookies?” I ask Niall. “I can make a batch for you tomorrow, too.”

“Seriously?” His whole face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Peanut butter with those little chocolate kisses on top.”

“Jesus, Niall,” Kian says. “Specific much?”

It’s Niall’s turn to blush. “Is that too much? I mean, peanut butter cookies are fine. Or chocolate chip. Whatever—”

“Are you kidding? Peanut butter with chocolate kisses are my favorite, too,” I fib. “I’ll make a double batch and we can stuff ourselves tomorrow night.”

“That sounds amazing,” Niall says with a grin. “I’ll bring the milk.”

“What am I supposed to bring then?” Avery asks plaintively.