A glance back at the mirror shows her back arched, her hand clenched on my hip, her jaw working as she sucks me slowly, slowly, slowly down her throat. I honestly don’t know which view is better.

It’s incredible to see her like this, from the front and the back all at the same time. Incredible and intense and more arousing than I ever dreamed possible to see all of her even as I feel the wet heat of her mouth close around me.

Savvy pulls me deep, takes me all the way in until I feel myself hit the back of her throat. I try to pull back, try to make it easier for her, but Savvy just cups my ass in her hands and pulls me forward. Pulls me even deeper until she’s taking all of me.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Pleasure slams through me, takes me over, encompasses me until all that I feel, all that I am, is centered around Savvy and her obscenely hot mouth. She’s barely gone down on me and already I’m so close to losing it that I can feel the pressure increasing at the base of my spine, can feel my orgasm welling up inside of me.

What is it about this woman that makes me want her this badly? What is it about her wicked eyes and loves-to-fuck-with-me attitude interspersed with moments of vulnerability that drive me to the brink so quickly? I don’t know, and at the moment, I don’t really care. How can I when I’m held in thrall by her and her glorious, gorgeous mouth? Even the random thought of whether or not she’s done this with Garrett doesn’t stop the pleasure from crashing through me.

I’m too far gone, and it sure feels like she is, too. Sure feels like she’s enjoying this as much as I am.

Then she moans deep in her throat, and my teeth clench at the ensuing vibrations. She slides her tongue over and around my cock in circles that make my eyes cross and my jaw lock at the pleasure.

I glance down at her, watch as she slides me back and forth between her cherry red lips. Her eyes are closed, her long, dark lashes resting on her cheeks as she tucks the head of my cock against

the roof of her mouth and once again slides me down her throat.

“Look at me!” My voice is low, guttural, more animal than human as I force the words out. But she must understand, because her eyes fly open and she looks up at me. Our gazes lock as she takes me deep again and again and again, her tongue licking along the underside of my dick. Pleasure explodes through me, sweeping up from my balls to the base of my cock, taking me by surprise as she sucks a little harder, her tongue wriggling over the sensitive spot on the underside of my dick.

“Fuck!” It’s a groan, a plea, a prayer for mercy, but Savvy is having none of it. Instead she takes me even deeper, her hands clenching on my ass as she works her throat convulsively around me.

And just that easily I’m coming, emptying myself into her with a force that makes my head swim and my teeth ache. I try to pull out, but she won’t let me go. Instead, she holds me in place, taking all of it, swallowing me down and leaving my knees so damn shaky it’s all I can do not to fall on her.

And still it isn’t enough. Still I want more. More of her and more of this mind-numbing pleasure. I’ve just had the most powerful orgasm of my life, just come down the throat of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and all I can think about is doing it again.

But this is Savvy, smart, sexy, tentative Savvy, and the only thing I want more than to blow down her throat again is to make her feel as good as she’s made me feel.

With that thought in mind, I untangle my fingers from the death grip I have on her hair. I wrap my hands around her upper arms, then pull her carefully to her feet, searching her face for any sign that she’s uncomfortable with what just happened between us.

This isn’t how I thought it would go between us, isn’t what I had planned. I’d thought to take it slow, thought to give her so much pleasure that she forgot about Garrett, forgot about anyone else who has ever touched her. Instead, she blew my mind completely, made me lose all thought processes and control.

I’m not used to that. I’m always the one in control. I’m always the one who decides what happens and how it happens. The fact that that’s not how this went down, the fact that I ceded this easily to Savvy…it makes me think. Makes me wonder just what is supposed to come next.

But for now, as I gather her in my still trembling arms and carry her to bed, the answer doesn’t matter. Nothing does but holding her in my arms, kissing her, and making her feel as good as she’s made me feel.

Chapter 16

My phone goes off an hour and a half later. I’m tempted to ignore it, considering I’ve got a warm, sated Savvy dozing in my arms. Not to mention, my pants—which is where my phone currently is—are crumpled on the floor just out of reach.

But Savvy’s having none of it. Ignoring my protest, she rolls away from me and snags my phone from the front pocket of my jeans.

“Here,” she says, seconds later as she deposits it on the bed beside me.

“Why’d you have to go and do that?” I demand, even as I plug my password into the phone.

“I thought we’d already discussed how heavy that crown you’ve got is,” she says as she grabs a robe from her closet and belts it around her. “Call whoever it is back while I go make some breakfast for us.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I tell her as I pull up my phone log.

“Sure, I do.” She shoots me a grin from the doorway before continuing down the hall toward the kitchen. “I’m hungry.”

A glance tells me I’ve missed two calls from Roland. I vaguely remember my phone going off a little while ago, but since my cock was in Savvy’s mouth, I hadn’t paid any attention to it.

I start to text Roland back—if this is just another reminder of some bullshit interview he wants me to do, then he can cancel the damn thing. I’d much rather spend the day with Savvy, making love and badgering her with a million questions about herself, than I would smiling at yet another reporter as I lie through my damn teeth.

But I barely get the chance to hit send on a text to Roland before someone’s pounding on Savvy’s front door—and by pounding I mean knocking so hard that she could be forgiven for thinking it’s a warning that Armageddon has finally arrived.

I know better, however. I’ve heard that knock numerous times in my life and while it’s rarely good, it’s rarely as bad as the pounding makes it out to be.