He studies it for long seconds, then—without turning back to look at me—says, “This is from my brother.”


“I figured. I noticed it the last time I was here, thought it was a coincidence that it was the same view we have from the beach house. But it’s not a coincidence, is it?”

I shake my head, then utter a hoarse, “No,” when I realize he still isn’t looking at me.

“I guess I wanted this thing between you and my brother to be nothing,” he says after several long, excruciating seconds. “I wanted to be able to brush it off, to say it didn’t matter. But clearly, it did matter, to both of you. I’m sorry for being a dick, I just…need to get my head around it.”

He finally turns to face me. “The thing is, I really like you. It’s the worst possible time for it, what with Garrett being…missing, and me trying to take over his duties and balance my own. But still. I like you and you’re in love with my brother, which is pretty fucking awkward, so…”

I’m off the sofa and crossing the room before I’m even aware that I gave my body the command to move. I don’t stop until I’m right in front of Kian, so close that I can feel his breath against my cheek. “Was,” I whisper.

“What?” He shakes his head, like he’s trying to understand what I mean, but his green eyes stay pinned to mine.

“I was in love with your brother. But that was five and a half years ago. I was a different person then. I was nineteen and foolish and incredibly vulnerable after the deaths of my parents.

“Garrett came along and swept me off my feet, gave me the fairy tale—or at least what I thought was the fairy tale. Until I woke up one day and realized some other girl was actually getting the fairy tale and I was just some wild oats he wanted to sow.”

“Felicity.” Kian grimaces.

I nod. “Felicity.”

His eyes somehow grow even sadder. “I’m sorry.”

“Now you’re the one apologizing for something you have absolutely no control over.” I reach out and grab his hand. “So why don’t you come back to the couch, eat some cookies and drink some really sweet coffee. And while you do, we will talk about something that has absolutely nothing to do with Garrett.”

He stares at me for long seconds and I can see the debate raging right behind his eyes. In the end, he nods, though, and even manages a little smile. “That sounds good.”

“It does, doesn’t it.” I start tugging him toward the couch.

“Well, everything but the coffee.” He grins at me. “No offense, but I’m pretty sure that’s a deal breaker.”


; Chapter 13


I surface slowly, feeling a little bit like I’m struggling through honey as I try for wakefulness. I’m not sure why I’m trying so hard to wake up, but there’s an urgency deep inside me, a voice screaming that I need to OPEN MY EYES.

I do, consciousness rushing over me like a freight train as my eyes pop open to dark and unfamiliar surroundings. There’s a weight pressing down on my chest and a low whimpering sound in the air around me and it takes me a moment to figure out what’s happening.

Sometime in the middle of the night, Savvy and I fell asleep on her couch. Right now, she’s stretched out on top of me, and judging from the small, distressed noises she’s making, she’s having a nightmare.

“It’s okay, baby,” I murmur in her ear even as I wrap my arms more tightly around her. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

She whimpers again, a miserable, high-pitched little sound that gets me in the gut. In response, I hold her more tightly, rub a soothing hand up and down her back, whisper soothing, nonsensical things into her ear.

She comes awake with a jolt, her whole body recoiling violently in my arms. “It’s okay, Savvy. It’s Kian. You’re safe, I swear.”

It takes a moment, but eventually she relaxes, her body going loose and languid on top of mine. I shudder a little as she buries her face against my throat, then order my dick—which is already twitching with interest—to stand the fuck down. No way am I going to do anything to contribute to scaring Savvy any more than she already is.

“We fell asleep.”


“Did I have a nightmare?” she asks after a moment, her voice all slow and sleep-husky and sweet.