“Come on,” I tell her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and propelling her toward the passenger door of her car. “I’ll drive you home and we can talk.”

She looks like she’s about to argue, but in the end, all that comes out is a sigh. I decide to take it as acquiescence. But when Lucas reaches to open the back door to climb in, Savvy freezes.

“I’ll be fine,” I tell him. “Ride with the others.”

“The king—”

“What the king doesn’t know won’t hurt any of us.”

He starts to protest again, but I shoot him a look and he backs away. Lucas isn’t happy and he lets me know it, but he’s been on my detail long enough to figure out when I’m serious. And right now, nothing is going to get between Savvy and me.

Nothing but Garrett, that is.

“Keys?” I hold out my hand.

“Umm, no.” She shakes her head, shoots me a disbelieving look. “I’m driving. Obviously.”

“That’s not what we agreed on.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Prince Control Freak. But we never agreed on anything and riding in the passenger seat is the only way you’re getting in my car.”

“I drove at a grand prix. I can handle a used VW.”

“I’m sure you can. Just not mine.” She pops the locks, then slides behind the driver’s seat. “It’s two A.M. and I’m tired. Either get in or get out of the way so I can go home.”

“If you try that, I’ll just follow you, you know.” I open the passenger door reluctantly. I don’t like giving up control to anyone—most of the time, I drive even when I’m with my detail—and I sure as hell don’t like the idea of giving up control to Savvy.

“Follow away. That doesn’t mean I’ll let you in my house—and I’m pretty sure that Wildemarian law prohibits even you from forcing your way in without a warrant.” She sticks the keys in the ignition and starts the car. Then gives me a look that makes me want to turn her over my knee—and make her come half a dozen times or so while I do it.

Which is a serious problem, considering I still don’t know exactly what relationship she and Garrett had. It’s pretty obvious it was serious, though, considering he talked to her about our family. And if that’s the case, I have no business thinking anything sexual about her at all, let alone imagining what she’ll look like sucking my cock.

But just because I shouldn’t, doesn’t mean I’m not.

Savvy honks the horn, draws my attention back to the present. She gestures impatiently for me to get in, and I do. How can I not when I have so many questions that need answers?

She doesn’t say a word as she backs out of the space and navigates her way through the brightly lit parking lot. And neither do I. I’m too busy trying to figure out what answer

s I want—and what questions I need to ask to get them.

It turns out I don’t have to ask any, because once we’re making our way through the empty streets, Savvy glances over at me with a smile.

“He loves you, you know. A lot.”

“That’s it?” I run an annoyed hand through my hair. “That’s your big reveal?”

“I don’t have to reveal anything—I’m not the one looking for proof here.” She stops at a red light, then turns to face me. “I just thought it was important that you know how much you mean to him. Especially now.” Her breath hitches a little on the last word.

“When’s the last time you talked to him?”

“Five months ago. He came to the bar, wanted to take me to dinner.” The light turns green and she starts to drive again.

Jealousy claws through me, dark and intense and completely unreasonable considering I barely know this woman. And considering the fact that Garrett is missing, maybe dead. “Did you go?”

“Couldn’t. I was working.”

“Savannah.” The reprimand is sharp in my voice.

“No. There didn’t seem to be any point in it.” Yet she’s fidgeting—tapping out a strangely familiar rhythm on the steering wheel—and looking anywhere and everywhere but at me.