“Isn’t it obvious? I like you and I’m pretty sure you like me, too. Are you going to tell me that’s not true?”

“It doesn’t matter if I like you—”

“Right now it’s the only thing that matters. We enjoy each other’s company and want to fuck each other’s brains out. It seems like a win-win to me.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“Actually, it is.”

“Really?” She looks deliberately out the window at Niall, Lucas and Avery, all of whom are doing their best impression of not watching me while actually watching me.

“So, let me get this straight. You don’t want to date me because I’m a prince? I’ve gotta tell you, sweetheart, it usually goes the other way around.”

“Believe me, I’m aware. And if I wasn’t, you and your giant ego would be sure to remind me.”

“Hey now.” I clutch a hand to my chest in fake injury. “Leave my giant ego out of this.”

“How can I when it’s the biggest thing in the room?”

“Oh, yeah? That’s really the story you want to stick with?” I shoot her an incredulous look. “And in case you’re wondering, I’m not the least bit offended.”

“I can tell,” she answers drily.

“Come on, go out with me.” I bring her hand to my mouth, press a lingering kiss to the center of her palm. “I promise it will be fun.”

She purses her lips, tries to look disapproving. “Fun isn’t what I’m worried about.”

“Well, maybe it should be. In fact—”

A knock on the door cuts me off mid-thought. I glance out the window at my detail, about to give them a what-the-hell look for letting us get interrupted. But only Lucas and Niall are standing there. Avery is nowhere in sight.

Goddamn it.

“Ignore it,” I start to tell Savvy, but it’s too late.

She’s already calling, “Come in!”

The door creaks open and Avery’s standing there, looking for all the world like a recalcitrant toddler, complete with hands shoved deep into his suit pockets. I give him a look that tells him to turn around and go back the way he came, but he’s not having it. The man is obviously more afraid of Roland than he’ll ever be of me.

Sure enough, after dodging my look, he clears his throat and says, “Sorry, Kian, but Roland called. You’ve got a meeting at the palace in an hour, followed by dinner with the American ambassador.”

I want to tell him the meeting can wait, want to tell him—and Roland—that everything can wait. But that’s what the spare would do. The heir doesn’t have that luxury, not when duty calls.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll be out in a few.”

I obviously don’t sound convincing because Avery continues to stand there. At least until I give him the look I usually reserve for putting Roland in his place. Then the guy all but runs for the hills.

“That wasn’t nice,” Savvy tells me after he’s closed the door behind himself.

“I never claimed to be nice.”

“C’est la vie.” She cocks her head. “You have, however, on numerous occasions claimed to be a prince. And last time I checked, princes belong in their palaces. You should go.”


“Go, Kian. We can talk some other time.”

She gives me a light shove toward the door, but I’m not leaving until I pin her down. “Like when I take you to dinner. When’s your next night off?”