Omar’s eyes whip back to Sage, who is suddenly looking at me, all wide eyes and open mouth. Girlfriend? she mouths at me.

I just incline my head.

“Okay, then, Mr. Wilson. I’ll put the coaster on a lower speed, just for you.”

I start to tell him he doesn’t have to do that, but I think twice about it when I realize Sage’s hand is still shaking. “Thanks, man. I do appreciate it.”

As soon as he walks away, Sage turns to me. “Girlfriend?” she asks, voice all high and squeaky—and not in a good way.

“Girlfriend,” I tell her firmly. “I don’t puss out in public for just anyone, you know.”

The roller coaster starts up before she can say anything else, and then she’s gripping my hand so tightly that I’m afraid she’s going to break a finger or three. And while I’m not looking forward to explaining those injuries to Coach right before training camp, there’s no way I’m letting go of her hand. This is the first chink I’ve ever seen in Sage’s armor, the first time she’s ever let herself be vulnerable with me. No way am I screwing it up now.

The coaster starts slowly, chugging its way up the huge hill, and if possible, Sage’s grip gets even tighter. “You okay?” I ask when she’s on the verge of cutting off circulation.

She just nods, wide-eyed.

Finally we get to the top. We hang there for one second, two, and then the train takes off.

Sage screams through two and a half minutes of high-speed twists and turns, so loudly that at one point I stop worrying about my fingers and start worrying about my hearing.

She doesn’t stop screaming until we pull into the station, and as I help her out of the train I can’t help wondering if I’m about to get my ass handed to me.

She doesn’t say anything as we walk down the gangplank that serves as the ride’s exit, but as soon as we hit the main area of the park, she turns on me. I brace myself for the worst, but she’s got a huge grin on her face as she throws her arms around my neck.

“Thank you!” she says, peppering my face with kisses. “Thank you, thank you, thank you?”

“For what?” I asked. I’m mystified at her effusiveness, but that doesn’t keep me from wrapping my arms around her and holding her as tightly as I can.

“That was amazing.” She pulls back and looks into my eyes. “You’re amazing.”

“It was just a roller-coaster ride.” To my everlasting shock, I feel heat rising in my own cheeks.

“It was one hell of a roller-coaster ride,” she says. “And you’re one hell of a guy.”

Then she kisses me, really kisses me.

“Want to go again?” she asks when she finally pulls back, breathless and beaming.

I can’t help thinking that finally—finally—I’m getting a glimpse of the real Sage Kauffman.

And she’s absolutely beautiful.

Chapter 20


Turns out, being out on the boat with Emerson and her crew isn’t so bad.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the water is as close to glassy as it gets off of Point Loma. All in all, there are a lot worse ways to spend a Sunday than cruising the waters off of San Diego on a sailboat with my best friend, my boyfriend—boyfriend!—and their friends and/or significant others.

Hunter’s at the wheel since we’re not currently under sail, with his nephew on his lap to help him steer. Emerson’s hanging with Hunter’s niece at the back of the boat, laughing as Lucy ties hot pink ribbons onto the ends of the dreads worn by Shawn’s friend, Tanner. Tanner’s being a good sport about the whole thing, teasing Lucy and laughing with Emerson as the little girl painstakingly ties each bow.

It’s totally not what I’d expect from one of the most fearsome tackles in the league, but then, none of these guys is exactly what they appear. Especially not Shawn, who is currently drinking a beer and telling really bad knock-knock jokes to Brent and Hunter.

I should probably join him, but to be honest I’m enjoying just kind of sitting here, watching him interact with the people I’m pretty sure he considers his family. They might not be related, but blood is only one kind of family. And, in my experience, it’s not even the most important one.

I love how relaxed Shawn is here, with these people. Love that the nervous energy that seems to permeate everything he does is somehow quieter here, around these people he obviously cares about.