ef and caviar with toast points. A bar is set up in the corner and, from what I can see, it’s doing a brisk business in white wine and lemon drop martinis.

Figuring a drink will loosen me up some, I head that way. Then stop when the door to the suite bursts open and Hunter walks in, scanning the room.

It only takes him a moment to find me, and when our eyes meet a huge smile takes over his face. One of the women behind me sighs, and it only takes a moment for me to realize that I’m not the only one transfixed by the sight of Hunter Browning. He’s in workout clothes and it’s obvious he’s been putting them to good use as his shirt clings damply to his chest and stomach.

Somehow it only makes him more attractive. I take a step toward him, but before I can do more than that, a little girl comes barreling across the suite and launches herself at his legs.

“Uncle Hunter! Uncle Hunter!”

He crouches down and gets her right before she slams into him, swinging her up into his arms so she can wrap her arms around his neck. Her little nose is wrinkled—I’m guessing because of the sweat—but she holds on anyway. Seconds later, an older boy comes up beside Hunter and he ruffles his hair before wrapping an arm around the boy’s shoulders and guiding him over to me.

Suddenly a lot more eyes are on me, and I can’t help shifting uncomfortably as I wait for Hunter and his family to make their way to me.

“Hey,” he says, setting Lucy on her feet as they finally come to a stop in front of me.

“Hey.” I smile at the kids, start to hold my hand out to meet Brent, but Hunter steps between us. He slides one hand around my waist and another into my hair as he pulls me close and kisses me.

It’s not just a peck, either. No, Hunter Browning gives me a full-blown kiss in the middle of the Lightning family suite, in front of his niece, his nephew and at least fifty close family members of other Lightning players.

I start to pull away, but Hunter holds tight and—truth be told—I’d rather be kissing him than doing just about anything. So I stay where I am, body and mouth pressed tight to his, until someone whistles from behind us.

Hunter pulls away with a grin, nodding to whoever it was that whistled. Then he picks Lucy up again and says, “I’d like you to meet Emerson. She’s a good friend of mine. Emerson, this is Lucy.” He ruffles his nephew’s hair again. “And this is Brent.”

“It’s good to meet you guys,” I say, smiling at both of them.

They smile back, Lucy a little more enthusiastically than Brent, but he’s polite, if wary.

“I like your hair,” Lucy says, reaching out to pull on one of my curls. She laughs delightedly when she lets go and it boings right back into place.

“And I like yours. Your bow is very pretty.”

“I know!” She taps the hot pink sequined bow excitedly. “Uncle Hunter got it for me when he was in Oakland last week. It’s my favorite.”

“I think it’s my favorite, too,” I tell her with a grin. “Every girl needs pink sequins.”

Hunter pulls me against his side, drops another quick kiss on the corner of my mouth. “I don’t know. I think you look pretty great wearing my team’s colors.”

“You should have told me to dress up!” I hiss at him.

“Why? I think you look great. Doesn’t she, Lucy?”

“She’d look better in your number, Uncle Hunter.”

He laughs again, a loud, booming sound that fills up the suite and the nervous place inside of me. “You’re right, Luce. I’m going to have to do something about that.”

Since things with his niece seem to be going okay, I turn to Brent. “How are you doing?” I ask him, finally holding my hand out for him to shake.

“Good. But I’m hungry. Marta said we had to wait for you.”

“Brent—” Hunter starts, but I stop him with a hand on his hip.

“I’m sorry about that.” I nod toward the buffet. “Wanna go do some damage?”


“Why don’t you two head on over? Emerson and I will catch up.” As soon as they walk away, Hunter moves the two of us toward a small, older woman who is standing a few feet away. “This is Marta, the kids’ nanny. She’ll be here during the game so you don’t have to worry about taking care of them.”

“Oh. I thought—” I cut myself off, flushing.