He surveyed her luggage. “With apparently your entire wardrobe.” He lifted an eyebrow. “But come on up.”

He grabbed her suitcases, including the carry-on, and headed back to the waiting elevator. Lovey slung her purse over her shoulder and tapped along behind him. Easy for him. Big bro was an NHL hockey player—six foot two, two hundred pounds, big muscles everywhere. One corner of her mouth kicked up. There were advantages to having a brother who was big. Really big. And strong.

The doors slid closed and Duncan punched the button for the fourteenth floor.

“Thank you,” she said gratefully. “Those suitcases weigh a ton.”

“How the hell did you get on the plane with them? And from the airport to here.”

She shrugged. “There were always people around offering to help.”


She blinked. “Well. Yeah.”

He shook his head, lips twitching.

“What’s with the beard?” She touched her own chin with thumb and forefinger. “You look like a mountain man. I thought you only grew a beard during playoffs.”

He shrugged. “I got tired of shaving.”

“Duncan! Eew. No woman is going to find that attractive.”


“And it’s freezing here! Why is it so cold here?”

“It’s forty degrees,” Duncan said dryly. “And probably not much colder than Madison.”

“But it’s windy. It is the Windy City.”

“Chicago is no windier than any other city.”

She frowned. “But it’s called the Windy City.”

“That apparently has to do with the long-windedness of Chicago politicians.”

“Huh.” She tipped her head. “Really? But it is windy today. I’m sure hundred-mile-an-hour winds.”

He grinned. “Yeah, Lovey, it’s windy.”

The doors opened and he let her exit first, but she paused, unsure which way to go. This was the first time she’d visited him since he’d bought this super lux condo that had to have cost a gazillion dollars. Nice to have that kind of money.

She’d felt a few twinges of guilt about ar

riving unannounced to stay with him, but she kept reminding herself his condo was huge. He did have a roommate, but still, there were three bedrooms, so she wouldn’t be putting anyone out. She’d be sure to stay out of their way. Not interfere with their game-day routines. She’d clean up after herself.

He led them into his condo and she swept her gaze around, taking it all in.

“This is gorgeous! Holy Cheese-Its, Dunc!”

He grinned. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.”

Wide plank hardwood floors stained a dark chocolate color stretched all through the unit. Big windows let in bright golden sunshine. She lifted an eyebrow at the exercise equipment in the dining room instead of a table and chairs. Two big brown leather couches and a couple of over-sized chairs were centered on a patterned rug in the living room, a big square table in the middle.

She walked through and turned to the kitchen. Creamy cupboards and granite counter formed a U-shape around a substantial island with a couple of stools at the end of it. She blinked at the empty pizza boxes and beer bottles littering the counter, then turned away with a shrug.

“This is amazing.” She shook her head. “How much did you pay for this place? I’m guessing five million.”