“Great? She was magnificent! Do you know how much money that run is going to make us?”

I laugh, clapping him on the back as I maneuver around him to get to the stairs. As I do, I wrap my arms a little more tightly around Hannah, who is currently sound asleep in her baby carrier on my chest. The last thing I want to do is bump her against someone as I make my way down to Cam.

She’s been a trooper this whole week, happy and laughing and cooing most of the time, despite the fact that she hasn’t gotten nearly enough sleep. Which is probably why she’s sleeping like the dead now—all the excitement has finally caught up to her.

I study her as I make my way to her mother. I can’t help it—I’ve rarely been able to take my eyes off her since she was born.

Not that anyone can blame me. Cam’s and my little girl is absolutely beautiful, with a perfect rosebud mouth and soft, chubby cheeks, and a couple of tiny red curls peeking out from beneath her pink kitty hat. Her perfect little hand is clutched around the silver medal I won earlier today in streetstyle and she’s blowing the cutest little drool bubbles into my jacket.

Besides her mother, she’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen. I adore everything about her and am grateful every day that Cam—and the universe—blessed me with her.

“Hurry up,” Ash says from behind me. “I want to get to her before the score is announced.”

“I’m working on it,” I tell him, making sure to protect Hannah as we push our way through the crowd to where Cam is standing.

She should be watching the scoreboard, but her eyes are on Hannah and me, and the smile on her face could power half of Aspen for a week.

As soon as I reach her, she goes up on tiptoe to plant a firm kiss on my mouth. Then she’s taking Hannah, who has finally stirred, out of her carrier and cuddling her into her chest. I’m not surprised when cameras all over the place start going off—my two redheads make a gorgeous picture.

I can’t resist swooping in for another kiss. As I’m pulling away, the crowd goes wild and I know that means Cam’s score is up. I start to move aside so she can see what she got, but she grabs on to me, holds me in place.

“Don’t you want to know how you did?”

“I already know how I did.” She looks at me, at our beautiful baby girl, at the friends who are gathered around us ready to celebrate. “I did really, really well.”

For Tera Lynn Childs, who is as great a friend as she is a writer…and who loved this book before it was even a book


Ethan Frost Novels




Flawed (coming soon)

Other Books

Play Me

Full Exposure

Tie Me Down

Extreme Risk Series





New York Times and USA Today bestselling author TRACY WOLFF lives in Texas and teaches writing at her local community college. She is married and the mother of three young sons.