“My foot. I sliced up the bottom of the heel on a bramble thorn.” I stuck my foot out to show her the slug-slimed leaves affixed to the sole.

Raven Mother stared at my foot, and it was hard to tell whether she was smiling or affronted. After a moment, she sighed. “Very well. Since you are not ready to run with the raven, then the raven shall have to run with you.” She stepped forward, prepared to gather me up.

The thought of Raven Mother holding me against her was unnerving, but before she could wrap her arms around me, the ferns to our right parted, and out of the wild wood stepped Morio.

“I will take care of my wife.” He was back in his form, scratched and bruised, but looking relatively intact.

Raven Mother let out a low hiss but stepped away from me. “It would seem your demon prince has arrived, to save you from the big, bad raven. Ah, kitsune, your fair maiden was in no danger from me, regardless of what her thoughts might be whispering. Run with her; she is tired and sore and with a sadly injured foot.”

He quietly stepped between us, and Raven Mother gave him an irritated look. “I warn you, youkai. Do not cross me, nor crowd me. Your lovely was in no danger. If you find yourself running rude, you may find yourself running for your life.”

Luckily, Morio kept his mouth shut. I reached out, touching his arm, and he nodded at my unspoken plea to remain silent.

“Bird have your tongue? Perhaps that is best.” Raven Mother turned to me then. “My lovely, I will see you again. Give Aeval my salutations, and tell your blessed Moon Mother to guard her daughter well, for there are others who would be only so delighted to play the role of Mother.” And with that, a flash of crimson blinded us and when I blinked, a large raven flew to a nearby tree, perched, gave three long cries, and then vanished into the sky, winging away to the east.

“What was she doing here?” Morio asked, turning to me. “I thought she belonged in Otherworld.”

“The Elemental Lords and Queens travel where they will. You know that. They cross dimension and plane and portal. But where the fuck were you? I’ve been looking for you most of the night.” I stuck out my foot. “I caught my foot on a thorn, and I can’t walk on it until I get some antibiotic or a healing potion or something, and a soft bandage.”

He examined the sole of my foot. “My love, I’m sorry, but the Horned One, he ran me through the woodland all night long. I’ve not had that much fun in a long time, nor reveled in my nature so much.”

I frowned. “Where’s your familiar? You can’t change back without your skull. Where did it go?”

Morio shook his head. “He had to have helped me. My skull is in my bag, back in the cottage near the palace.”

That was definitely odd, but then again, he had been running with the Horned One, and so much could happen when dancing with the gods. “Where are we? I got lost when I was looking for you.”

“This path? Leads directly out to the front gates. It delineates the eastern boundary of Talamh Lonrach Oll. We’re about a quarter mile from the entrance to the Fae Nation.” He grinned. “You were almost there.” Pausing, he looked at me closely. “Are you okay?”

Tears were close to the surface, and I wasn’t even sure why. I ducked my head. “I thought you were hurt. And I’m so tired. I was going to rest when Raven Mother showed up, and she scares me spitless.”

Morio murmured softly, then stood back, shifting into his demonic form. “Come, love. No more words, no more tears. Here, let me get you back to Aeval’s palace, and then we’ll go home.”

He lifted me up, and I leaned my head against his shoulder. He carried me as if I were as light as Maggie, and the rocking move of his stride had my eyes closing. Before we neared the gates, I fell asleep, safe in my youkai’s arms.

When I opened my eyes the first time, I was dressed in a loose shift and in the car. Morio was driving. He reached over and brushed my hair back from my head. My foot was throbbing, but as I blurrily glanced down, I saw that it was bandaged in a proper fashion now.

“Shush…don’t even speak. Aeval had her attendant—Tanya? Yes, Tanya. Anyway, Tanya dressed you and the healer attended to your foot. We’ll talk more when we get home, but for now, sleep. I’m good to drive.”

His voice was already fading out. I glanced out the window at the early sun rising through partial overcast. Streaks of red and orange lit the pale blue aflame, while the cotton candy clouds covered the sky. As I watched, a murmuration of starlings filled the sky, swooping and turning in unison, creating a vision in fluttering wings. Overwhelmed by their beauty and by the night, I closed my eyes again as the swaying of the car lulled me back into a deep slumber.

As we pulled into the driveway, I grumbled and forced myself to open my eyes. “Can’t you just leave me here? The seats are comfortable and I can sleep right here.” I didn’t want to get out of the car and drag myself up the steps to my rooms.

“Come on, Sleeping Beauty. Iris is waiting for us.” Morio swung around to my door, opening it.

“What? Why? You called her?” The brisk morning air infiltrated my sinuses, and I groaned as he took my hands and helped pull me to my feet. I stumbled out of the car, blurry-eyed, but at least the half-hour drive had given me a chance to fend off a total meltdown.

“No, she called me. I didn’t want to wake you up.” He sounded worried now.

Oh fuck. Not another problem. “Don’t tell me we have another emergency? I don’t think I can handle anything more after last night. My energy is at low ebb.” I draped my arm around his shoulder and struggled up the porch stairs. My foot was better but throbbing. However, compared to what it had felt like in the woods, I could tell it was already on the mend. The Triple Threat would, of course, have some of the best healers in the Fae world.

“Yeah, something new has cropped up, but we don’t have to address it immediately. You’ll have time for a nap. Iris is preparing something to help you sleep deeper, so that you’ll recharge faster.” He opened the door and we were greeted by chaos, as usual.

I was about to ask what the hell was going on, but before I could open my mouth, Iris was there, pressing a small glass into my hands.

“Drink this. Just do it.” She looked harried. So harried that I did as she asked without question. Whatever it was tasted like bitter mud and I grimaced, but before I could ask what it was, or what was wrong, the room began to spin, and the last thing I remember was Iris smiling as I slumped into Morio’s arms.

The sunlight was streaming through the window as I woke to sudden consciousness. Blinking, I pushed myself up, trying to figure out where the hell I was. After a moment, it registered that I was in my bed, in a loose nightgown. A glance at the clock told me that it was eleven. I’d been asleep only five hours, but my mind felt remarkably clear. As I slipped out from beneath the comforter, my muscles groaned, but my foot felt a lot better. If it came down to either my muscles being a little stiff or limping because my foot hurt, I’d choose the stiffness.