“Shit, I don’t have time to interview. Derrick, you know anybody who’s good, who needs a job?”

But even as I asked, a dark, swarthy vamp sidled up to the counter. “Roman says you might have some work for me?”

I’d never seen him before. “Who are you?”

“I work in Roman’s household, and he suggested you might be able to use my talents. I’ve been bartending since 1885.”

I snorted. “You don’t look a day over forty.”

He flashed his fangs, but there was a glint of laughter in his eye. “Good thing I was only forty-three when I was turned, and not eighty. I probably would have stepped into the sun if that had been the case.”

I glanced over at Derrick. “You think you can work with another vamp around here? He’d have to be with you on the night shift.”

Derrick shrugged as he poured out three martinis. “I’m the lead bartender, right? I’ve worked here for a while.”

“Yes, you’re the lead.” I glanced back at the vamp. “What’s your name? And you do know that I can—and will—check with Roman to make sure you’re telling the truth.”

He inclined his head. “You won’t find anything amiss. My name is Digger.”

I set down the bottle of schnapps I was about to pour. “Digger? Really?”

“I worked for a stint as a gravedigger in the twenties. Before that my name was Joe, but Digger stuck. And the Were need not worry. I won’t try to steal his place, and I won’t put the fang on him.” Digger glanced around. “I can start right now.”

“You don’t even know how much I’d be paying you.” I didn’t like being pushed, and it felt like he was pushing. But if Roman wanted him working here, I’d have to at least consider it.

“Roman said he’d pick up the tab for my work.” Again the fangy smile.

“Oh, he did, did he? I pay my own tabs,” I muttered, but Digger still caught it.

“Roman doesn’t want the increase in business to unnerve your staff. Think of my work here as a gift. A present.”

I knew that emphasis—it meant Roman wanted Digger here, for whatever reason, and I’d play hell fighting the suggestion. I decided Roman and I really needed to have a talk, but now was not the time.

“Fine. Get back here. The rules: You follow Derrick’s lead. I don’t want to hear about any problems from you. Absolutely no drinking from any of the customers. I don’t allow any bloodwhoring in my bar. And keep your mitts off my waitresses’ tips.” I slipped on an apron and hopped over the counter. “I’ll help Chrysandra for now.”

Derrick motioned for Digger to step behind the counter and showed him where everything was. As I began taking orders, I took a closer look at the people who were hanging out in the bar. A wave of vamps, yes, but also FBHs. And then I saw fang marks on some of their necks. Oh crap, the vamps had brought their bloodwhores with them. Delightful. I absolutely refused to allow bloodsucking in my joint. I finished delivering my orders and told Derrick I’d be back in a minute.

I hightailed it to my office, where I wrote up a quick sign—I’d get a professional one made soon—that read, NO BLOODSUCKING ALLOWED ON PREMISES. VIOLATORS WILL BE DRAINED AND STAKED!

When I finished, I carried it out to a spot near the wall clock, levitated up, and quite loudly pounded a nail into the wall, then hung it up. Everyone turned to stare at me, which was what I’d wanted. They’d see the warning sign better if I made a racket and caught their attention.

As I lowered myself to the floor again, I caught several dirty looks cast my way, but I just returned them with a fangy smile. Everybody knew I wasn’t above staking my own kind. Hell, I’d staked my sire, a taboo among vamps, and now I was Roman’s official consort, so they’d better watch their step. It suddenly occurred to me that I could get away with one hell of a lot. Of course, I wouldn’t abuse the privilege, but…the fact might come in handy sometime.

The door opened and I turned to see Nerissa, wearing a long trench coat and heels. Shade escorted her in, then waved and headed back out the door.

I rushed over. “Is everything okay?” I pulled her into my arms, leaning up on my tiptoes to kiss her.

She wrapped her arms around me.

“Yeah. I just asked Shade to come down with me—he can drive my car home and I’ll ride with you. Camille and Morio told me about what went down tonight. I just needed to reassure myself that you were safe.”

Her voice was soft, her lips pressed close to my ear, and I caught a wave of her perfume and went weak in the knees.

“Come with me.” I led her back to my office and shut the door, leaning against it as I turned. “I’m so sorry we haven’t had much time together since I returned from Otherworld. Life’s in such a jumble.”

“Have you given any thought to our plans?” She dropped into a chair.

I sighed. I didn’t want to discuss wedding plans right now. I straddled her lap. “I haven’t had time. Why don’t you just plan what you want and I’ll be happy with whatever you choose for us?”