The music that had steadily risen in intensity began to fall away, and after a moment he pulled back from me and helped me sit up. We were both bruised and bloody and beaten, but we’d recover, especially since this was all on the Dream-Time. But meanwhile, my need had been quenched.

Roman draped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him, kissing the top of my head. “Rough day, love? I heard you call. You needed me and so I came. What happened to cause such urgency?” He tilted my chin up and gazed into my eyes, his own gaze aloof and cool again. But I’d come to realize that beneath the clouded iciness of his stare, he hid a multitude of emotions.

I thought I’d be able to talk about it without worrying, but when the words rose to my lips, I stumbled over them and hung my head as they came out in whispers.

“I drank from a friend today. Something was able to charm me and I drank from a friend to prevent something even worse.” I winced, the remorse flooding back as I told him about what had gone down in Otherworld, and what we’d come home to. When I told him about Roz and the doppelganger, Roman’s cool look vanished and his nostrils flared.

“Not a good thing. I know you too well to believe you did this willingly. But if something can charm a vampire, we need to know what it is. Doppelgangers don’t have that power innately; someone had to empower it when they summoned it into this plane and gave it a face. Do you have any idea of who it was?”

I bit my lip. How much I should tell Roman about what we were facing was always an uphill battle. Oh, I knew that he’d dug around enough to have at least some idea of what was going down, but that didn’t mean I should just open up and discuss things that might be better off left silent. The spirit seals could be used by vampires, too, and it would make for an incredibly powerful being if one were to get hold of it.

While I trusted Roman—for the most part—to be sane enough not to covet one, I wasn’t so sure about his mother. I’d never met Blood Wyne, but her record of conquest was daunting, and while I appreciated that she had come out of seclusion with the intent to unify the vampire community, her methods were often severe. If vampire nests didn’t fall in with her rules, she systematically destroyed them.

“We think we have an idea. But…let me find out for sure before I say anything. But I wanted…I guess I wanted reassurance that I’m not slipping.”

“Trust me, if I thought you were slipping, I would deal with the situation. I will not have rogues running the streets in my territory. Especially now that Mother has ascended to power again.”

I wasn’t sure just how secure that made me feel, but I nodded. “Thank you. Meanwhile, we have another problem. A friend of ours—an old friend from the OIA—was sent over Earthside and he’s missing. His name is Andrees, and the idiots in charge sent him to the Roxbury Street area, in White Center. I gather there was a covert OIA outpost stationed there, as a massage parlor of all things. A real massage parlor, not a hooker joint.”

Roman let out a laugh. “Your people don’t do their research very well, do they?”

“Apparently not. Anyway, Andrees is missing and we’re afraid something happened to him. We’re going to investigate, but would you put the word out to your men to let me know if they hear of anything?”

Roman tickled his fingers over the back of my neck and I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel. “Of course. I will be happy to help however I can. But do you have the time right now? You and your lover—your fiancée—are planning your nuptials.”

I groaned. “Yeah, we are, though we had another fight over the ceremony the other day. I’d be happy just saying a few words in front of family, but Nerissa’s right, this is an important event and we need to do something special. I just don’t know what.”

“I wish you would invite her to join us. She sounds positively delicious.” Roman leered, and I shivered.

“No drinking off my girlfriend. She’s my love, and I won’t let you hurt her.” I didn’t think Roman would harm her, but then again, he was ruthless in his assessment of issues and how to take care of them.

When he first told me he thought he was falling for me, I’d warned him to backpedal. My heart belonged to Nerissa, no matter how much I enjoyed playing with boys. My heart and body were hers, first and foremost. Anybody else was icing on the cake. And we’d already made ourselves exclusive when it came to other women—the ones who could pose a threat to our stability as a couple.

“But it would be so much fun. Not to drink, and I promise I would never hurt her. But to play. To watch you and your lover touching, kissing, fucking…you know I’d like that.” He whispered in my ear and I shivered again. I wasn’t monogamous, but something about the proposal scared me and I wasn’t sure what it was. “I would join only if both of you asked me to, and I would make sure she was treated with respect and that she enjoyed herself.”

“I’ll think about it.” The conversation was starting to irritate me.

But Roman turned my chin so that I faced him and gazed down into my eyes. His fangs were gleaming sharp and dangerous in the mist that rolled around us. “Do…think about it. You are my consort. It is only fitting that your lover and I should be friends.” And with that, he stood and offered me his hand.

I stared at it, thinking at first to ignore him, but then wisdom won out and I accepted his help even though I didn’t need it. Roman hadn’t reached the age he was without good reason. He could be as cold and ruthless as they came, and he was also smart. While I trusted him, my trust was within reason, and I knew that if I really pissed him off, he’d make me regret it.

“I’ll talk to her. But if she’s not interested, you’ll drop it, right? And you won’t hurt her?”

Roman inclined his head. “I would never harm her. She holds your heart, and if I were to break her pretty neck, you would hate me. So no, I will do my best to protect her, and I will never make her regret your association with me.”

I watched as he smoothly strode through the rising mist.

And then, he turned, stopping to look over his shoulder. “Oh, Menolly, there’s a meeting of Vampires Anonymous tonight—well, what will be tonight. You will attend? I will be there and, of course, you will appear as my consort.”

“Of course.” And there was nothing more to say.

When I woke to dusk’s sweet summons, I was almost relieved. The meeting with Roman had unsettled me. While it was all done on the Dream-Time, it was still as real as if we had met in person. My body showed none of the scratches or bites that he’d given me, just as his would show none of mine. While we healed fast, any damage that happened on the Dream-Time stayed there. At least I’d gotten the bloodlust out of my system without hurting anybody.

I dressed, trying to sort out my feelings, but decided to leave them for later. Right now, I wanted to find out what the others had discovered while I was sleeping. I slid into a pair of black leather jeans and a crimson cowl-necked sweater, then picked up my stiletto boots and scampered up the stairs.

The kitchen was a blur of motion. It seemed that everybody had descended for dinner. The table was huge. Smoky had bought one that filled the available room, and we’d already planned to put an expansion on the kitchen this summer, after Iris’s house was built, to create a huge formal dining room. The men would take care of that. They were as handy with saws and hammers as they were with swords and daggers.

Iris was sitting in the rocking chair holding Maggie, while Hanna and Trillian handled the dinner preparations. Delilah and Bruce were setting the table. I smelled chili and toasted bread and my mouth watered.