“That’s my fear, too,” Roz said. “We need to find out as much as we can about him during the next few weeks.”

“I can make a trip back to the Netherworld and see what I can dig up there,” Shade said.

“And I’ll talk to Carter and go hunting through the Demon Underground.” Vanzir leaned his elbows on the table, staring at the cookies he’d stacked in front of him. Delilah reached over and snagged one and he smacked her hand, gently.

“So your powers have come back?” Smoky stared at him. He was still hostile toward Vanzir, but there had been no outright spats over the past month, and I hoped things were calming down between them.

Vanzir glanced up at him. “Go ahead and finish what you’re thinking: And I have no soul binder around my neck. Right?”

Smoky pressed his lips together but kept his eye on the dream-chaser. Camille poked him in the side and shook her head. I knew that look. It said, Quit being an ass, my love.

“Speaking of the equinox,” Nerissa broke in. “Tomorrow night’s coming quickly. When do we leave for Otherworld?”

“We go at sunset—the minute I wake up. Father will be waiting for us, along with Trenyth. I wish everyone could come, but Shamas has to stay and help Chase. And Hanna…”

“I will stay and watch the house. There will be guards here, and all will be safe. Besides, I am not ready to return there. Too many memories.” She waved a dish towel at me. “Do not think of trouble.”

Camille was opening mail, and she looked dejected. “The wetlands next door? The owner has told our lawyer somebody’s already put down an offer and he’s taking it. This sucks.” She looked crestfallen. “Want to make a bet we’ll get stuck with lousy neighbors?”

The disappointment must have showed on Delilah’s and my faces, because Hanna immediately brought over another batch of chocolate chip cookies. “Here, sugar is good for disappointment.”

“Thanks,” Delilah said, dejected. “I really wanted to buy up that property. Over five more acres, along with four acres of wetlands and the pond? We could have done so much with the area.”

“Cheer up.” A tendril of Smoky’s hair rose up to stroke Camille’s face. “I know the owner. I think you’ll like her.”

“Who? Hotlips?” She gave him a withering look.

“Heavens preserve us from that. No, love. You.” And he began to laugh as the rest of us stared at him. The room erupted as Iris began dancing around with Maggie. “I bought the land and had it put in your name, my love.”

Camille jumped into Smoky’s lap, covering him with kisses. “Do you really mean it? Thank you! Oh, bless you.”

“Well, I have not yet bought you a wedding present and it was time. We’ve been married for almost a year. This will do?” The big galoot of a dragon looked up, winking at Delilah and me. “And I do not mind if you share with your sisters. Or the rest of our family.”

I shook my head. “Oh, good gods. You, Smoky, and Morio’s anniversary will essentially be the same day as Nerissa’s and mine.”

“You’re right,” Camille said, laughing. “Shade, when you and Delilah get married, make it on October twenty-second, so Trillian and I can share our anniversary with you guys.”

After the celebration following Smoky’s announcement, I glanced at the clock. “I’m going downstairs to pack. And to meditate.” I kissed Nerissa good night—she was sleepy and needed to rest up for the trip tomorrow—and headed down to my lair. In the midst of sadness, it seemed strange to be celebrating, but I was grateful for the respite.

But as I arranged myself on my yoga mat, I couldn’t help but send a silent prayer Charlotine’s way. She’d helped us win the battle. We wouldn’t allow her death to be in vain.

Chapter 20

The trip to Otherworld went smoothly. Even Iris had no problems with the portal—it didn’t seem to affect pregnant women, except to make them terribly dizzy. We’d gone through the one in the Wayfarer, which led directly to Y’Elestrial.

Father was waiting for us, and Trenyth with him, as we arrived just after sunset. As Trenyth came forward, holding out his hands to me, I took them and smiled softly.

“I’m so sorry about Charlotine. But she…she saved our butts.”

He ducked his head in acknowledgment. “As you said when you talked to us through the Whispering Mirror. Not to discuss business on your wedding day, but I thought you’d like to know that Darynal and the caravan are safe. So far, all things are going as planned. We should know more in a few weeks, once they’ve established themselves in Rhellah.”

The thought that, to the south, the sorcerers were grouping like a pack of feral wolves hit home. For the first time, I realized there was no safety—anywhere. Oh, if we moved to the Dragon Reaches, we’d be safe. The demons weren’t stupid enough to take on the entire world of Dragonkin, but we couldn’t just leave Otherworld and Earthside to the hands of Shadow Wing.

“Good,” I said. “We need to be kept abreast. We’re working on the reorganization for the new Earthside headquarters of the OIA. It will be housed at the FH-CSI, but properly this time. Now that we’re in charge, we can do so much more with keeping the lines of communication open.”

Trenyth gave my hand a little squeeze. “That’s a good thing. Now, put talk of business away. It’s time to focus on your celebration.”

Hard as it was—the future loomed dark and dreadful, like a gathering storm—I turned my attention back to Nerissa. She had never seen Otherworld, and now I saw it again through fresh eyes—through her vision.