“Nessa, baby? Wake up.” I gently shook her awake, hungry for her lips as she woke from her drowsy state.

She glanced at the clock. “Three o’clock?” She pushed herself to a sitting position, her knit chemise stretching over her rounded breasts. I soaked in the vision of her, her scent filling me full, making me so horny I could hardly sit still. Just the sight of her turned me on, and when she was tousled from sleep, even more. I slid up on the sofa next to her and wrapped my arm around her. She was warm and her skin was silky, and all I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss her, everywhere.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“For what? What did you do?” She kissed my eyelids, then nuzzled my neck. “I missed you.”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t go shopping with you. That I’ve been so lax on making plans. I saw what you bought—it’s all so perfect. I love it all, everything. But I should have helped. I can’t make it up to you, but…I’ll help from now on. I want our wedding to be perfect.” I paused, knowing that if I promised what I was about to, I’d better damned well follow through. “I’ll find the place. And it will be beautiful. Do you trust me?”

Nerissa tipped her head to the side, a smile spreading across her face. “My sweet, I trust you. All I ever wanted was for you to take an interest in the planning. I know you’re busier than I am and that you may not be able to get out as easily as I can—at least not when the shops are open. That’s all I wanted—to know you cared.”

She pulled me to her, her lips seeking mine. I slid into her embrace, the warmth of her heart beating gently against the silence of mine. As she kissed my eyes, my nose, my lips, my cheeks, I slid my hands down her sides, then reached under her tank to walk my fingers up her abs, up to the curve of her breasts, where I cupped them, reaching up to finger her nipples as they grew hard against my thumbs.

“I never get tired of your touch,” she said, grabbing my wrist and pressing my hand harder against her. “Menolly,” she whispered, her chest rising and falling as her breathing came harder. She leaned back, her hair trailing over the back of the sofa, and spread her legs. I reached for her panties, and she shifted, allowing me to slide them down and off.

I leaned in, kissing her bellybutton, trailing my lips down toward the downy patch of hair between her thighs. Her thatch was trimmed in a delicate “V” and I lingered over it, nosing her gently, as she slid farther down, opening up more to allow me to fully explore her sex. I pressed my lips against hers, gently opening her up, tonguing the budding clitoris that I knew so well.

I’d always known that I preferred women—though when I was young, I thought I’d marry, and perhaps take a mistress on the side. But my first glance had always gone toward women. Camille recognized it before anybody, and one night she sat me down and asked me point-blank. Mother had been dead for some time, and Father was still oblivious, mired in his grief.

Back in Otherworld, loving someone of the same sex wasn’t a big deal. The only time it caused problems was if you were of royal blood and expected to produce an heir. Then, you were expected to marry, reproduce, and, if you wanted, take lovers on the side.

As with Earthside, marriages among the royalty—and even some tradesmen—were more for convenience and economy than for love. Luckily I hadn’t had to worry about that. We weren’t royalty and, being half-breeds, the three of us weren’t likely to be considered for important nuptials.

Nerissa moaned as I nuzzled, grasping her ass with my hands as I held her firm. With a quick, sharp cry, she came hard. I looked up at her, rubbing her thighs softly as she caught her breath.

She gave me a sleepy smile. “Your turn?”

I could tell she was tired, so I shook my head. “I’m happy just pleasing you, tonight. Truly. Curl up under the covers again.” I snuggled next to her and she stroked my hair as I leaned my head on her lap. “You’re my heart-mate.”

“I know,” she whispered. “And you are the only woman in the world for me. I can’t imagine loving anyone else.” A yawn escaped her and she blinked, sighing deeply. “What happened tonight? Everything sounded so tense from your texts.”

It was almost four. I really didn’t want to go over it all again. “You sleep, love. Ask them at breakfast and they’ll tell you. Or Chase can fill you in. He was there with us last night. Meanwhile, I think I need some time to just relax and meditate before the sun calls me to sleep. Do you mind so much?”

She pulled the covers up around her neck and rested her head back on the pillow. “Not a problem, my love. So you like the wedding dresses?” Again, she yawned and sounded like she was already drifting off to sleep.

I kissed her on the forehead and made sure she was tucked in. “I love them. And I promise, I’ll find us a lovely spot to get married in. Sleep now, and rest…and dream deep.”

And with that, I blew out the candles. Nerissa was snoring lightly as I left the room, closing the door behind me.

Once downstairs, I made one last call for the night, to Roman.

He answered immediately. “Are you all right? Was it your friend Andrees?”

“Yeah, it was.” We’d been so busy, I’d almost forgotten, but now the reality came crashing back and I wondered if we’d ever find out who killed the agent. “Chase thinks he was killed execution-style. But his body was maimed after death, and Mallen doesn’t think it’s by the same person who killed him. He was found near the rogue portal in Tangleroot Park.”

I paused, staring at the print on my wall. It was a framed reproduction of Monet’s Water Lilies. I loved it. The painting made me happy; it helped me focus when I meditated.

After a moment, I said, “Roman, I have something to ask you. I need to break a bond and I’m wondering if you can help me do it.” I told him about what had happened with Morio and the blood transfusion that had saved his life. “I love Morio, but like a brother. I don’t like feeling pulled toward him and I know that, even though Camille would understand, it would still strain the relationship. Plus, all I can handle right now is one fiancée and one lover.”

He laughed. “Yes, I can see that. There is a ritual to break a blood bond that isn’t brought about through turning someone.”

“Do both participants need to be there?” I hoped not. If I could do it with as little fuss as possible, all the better.

“Actually, no. But you’ll need to come to me. There are…delicate computations to make. I will need to call on someone. Can you come over around six thirty? Shortly after sunset?”

“Unless we find…well…what we’re looking for. But I’ll need to talk to my sisters first about what they’ve discovered during the day before I come over. Say seven thirty?” And with a few murmured endearments, I hung up. It had been a very long night, and all I could hope for was a sleep untouched by demons and ghosts and memories of the past. I pulled out my yoga mat and went through several of the poses that most relaxed me. My body didn’t need workouts, but the routine comforted me.

Finally, as the sunrise began its siren song, I slipped under the covers and, thinking of Nerissa and how much I loved her, I slipped into an oblivious slumber.