She shrugged. “Fine, I guess. Weary. Wishing we could catch a chance to breathe.” Then, laughing faintly, she added, “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do.” I stopped. “Do you hear that?”

We spread out and began to move forward. Something up ahead was making noise. A hum, or perhaps a faint pulse, thrummed lightly.

As we rounded the bend in the sidewalk, Camille let out a groan. “The portal, it’s active again.”

And it was. The portal, which was supposed to have someone watching over it at all times, had been left unattended, and it was shimmering in the darkened night. It hummed with a faint tune, whispering melodies of spring and of invitations and of tea parties and tulips and a light wind on warm days. Even I could feel the invitation echoing out from it.

“Crap, they’re at it again.” Camille shook her head. “I wonder what Tra and Herne are up to?” Herne, the god of the forest, and his son Tra had been dancing around in there the last time they’d gone through, and the experience hadn’t been all that jolly.

Delilah cleared her throat. “There’s one way to find out.”

“Oh no you don’t!” I jumped in front of them. “Don’t you dare. We have no idea what’s on the other side, this time. Remember, Yannie Fin Diver is still there, and other, worse, Elder Fae.”

Camille nodded, slowly. “Right. I wish to hell we could figure out why we can’t seal it. Except the Elder Fae use it and their magic is stronger than even Titania’s or Aeval’s, let alone magic like Morio and I use.”

We stared at the opening for a moment, as if we expected something to come through at any time. After a while, when nothing did, we returned to Chase, and to Andrees’s body. There was nothing more we could do for him, and once more, with a heavy heart, the three of us whispered our prayer for the dead over his body, commending his soul to the Land of the Silver Falls, with Chase, Morio, and Shade standing at attention, heads bowed.

“What was life has crumbled. What was form, now falls away. Mortal chains unbind and the soul is lifted free. May you find your way to the ancestors. May you find your path to the gods. May your bravery and courage be remembered in song and story. May your parents be proud, and may your children carry your birthright. Sleep, and wander no more.”

After that, we waited for Chase’s team to arrive. I sat beside Andrees, far enough away not to mess with the crime scene, but close enough to keep watch. Camille and Delilah stood near me, a silent vigil.

I felt we owed it to him. He was one of our own—an OIA member who had done his job, and done it well. And because of the cruddy bureaucracy, he’d ended up being sent to the wrong place at the wrong time with no backup, and he’d paid for it with his life.

“Where do we go from here?” Camille shivered, pulling her jacket tighter.

“To Carter’s. I didn’t tell you this before, because we had to hurry over, but Carter called while I was talking to Roman. There are reports filtering up from Portland that some of the witches down there are being drained. And another thing I forgot to tell you. When I went to see him last night, the wards on his place were broken. He called his witch/sorceress today and she didn’t seem to feel like talking about the issue.”

“Crap. Then the bhouts are spreading out? We have to find out how widespread they are. If Gulakah is controlling them, and they spread to other parts of the country, he could be pulling the strings of a lot of very valuable puppets.” Delilah pressed her lips together, shifting from one foot to another.

An owl hooted softly through the trees, announcing the arrival of strangers. It was Mallen, with a forensics team. As they took over, we asked Chase to come with us. He was still vulnerable to the demonic spirits, and we had to keep an eye on him. With heavy hearts, we headed out for Carter’s apartment.

Chapter 15

As we neared the Galaxy club, I pointed it out to Camille. “You should check it out—I have a feeling the bhouts may have gotten in there. Just a hunch.”

“No time like the present.” She grabbed her purse. “Pull over and let me out. I’ll go in and scope it out, and you can pick me up after you talk to Carter. His place is only a few blocks from here.”

Morio swerved into a parking space and turned off the ignition. “Fine, but you are not going in there alone. I forbid it.”

“I’ll be fine—” she started to say, but he grabbed her wrist.

“No. Just, no. You will take Menolly and Shade with you. They can put down just about anything that happens. Meanwhile, Delilah, Chase, and I will go see Carter.”

I repressed a grin, waiting for the blowup. Camille had three very possessive and alpha husbands, although Morio was the least volatile. When they tried to run her life, she usually exploded. But as they locked gazes, he leaned in, staring at her intently.

“Don’t even think about arguing or I’ll tell Smoky and Trillian and we’ll all have ourselves a field day.” Arching one eyebrow, he planted a quick kiss on her nose. “You hear me, wife?”

“Fine. I hear you.” She let out a little huff. “Come on, you two.” She slipped out of the car and—with no real time to argue—Shade and I followed her down the street to the club. I’d wanted to go visit Carter, but Morio was right. This was the safest arrangement.

“Your husbands have a firm hand with you.” Shade moved to the outside of the sidewalk, and I moved to the inside so we buttressed Camille from both directions.

I laughed. “They have to, considering Camille’s nature.”

“Hey, what is this, Pick on Camille Day?” She rolled her eyes.

Shade shrugged. “I rather think it’s called for with you at the helm.”