“So, the bhout is an active force used to control another?” I wasn’t quite clear on the whole thing, but whatever it was, it didn’t sound good.

“Not exactly. The bhout is an entity. Bhouts, when directed, can be used to control others. But it gets worse. Bhouts focus on magical or psychic energy. They feed off the magical force, not the life force. If there is no master controlling the spirit, they can kill their victims by draining them dry. It will break the silver cord.”

“The elfin guards! That must be what happened to them.” It was beginning to make sense now.

“Yes. However, when someone’s controlling the bhout, they can command the spirit to siphon off just enough energy to keep their victim alive and under their command. That thing in there was trying to pull Chase under its control. If it had succeeded, he would have woken up and gone about his business, but he wouldn’t be under his own control.”

“Crap!” Delilah jumped up. “Mind control, then? Via ghostly demons?”

Shade nodded, grimly. “That’s about the size of it. The bhouts feeding on Lindsey’s group seem focused on trying to control them, so they’ve most likely been summoned in. Chances are, someone’s bringing in vast numbers of them and some get free—like the ones who attacked the guards.”

Camille jumped up. “Lindsey was very tired. And her coven is, too. Could these things be directly controlling them at this point?”

Shade thought about it for a moment. “Possibly. But there’s also another possibility. The bhouts must feed. Since someone is summoning them here en masse, then the spirits will need to strengthen themselves. Lindsey’s group is well known, but the primary targets are probably more important, like Chase. He runs the FH-CSI, and his newly awakened powers are growing, making him an attractive target.”

“So meanwhile, these things can eat their fill off the people of Seattle, both Fae and FBH.” Camille fell silent, then paled. “What about Morio…me? What should we be on the watch for? Can they attack…well, I guess they can attack the Fae, can’t they?”

“Yeah. They find them especially juicy, so to speak. I don’t think they can attack dragons or vampires, so Smoky, Menolly, and I should be safe, but Iris…you, Morio…all of the Fae out in Aeval, Titania, and Morgaine’s courts? You’re all in danger.”

Mallen joined us then. “Did you find out what was attacking him?”

Shade regarded him quietly. “No. But we should take him with us to watch over him now that he’s feeling better.”

I started to say something but then shut up. Shade had his reasons for lying.

Mallen narrowed his eyes, then shrugged. “If you wish, feel free. He’s not in any physical danger.”>Shade placed both hands on the detective’s head and closed his eyes. It was hard to see what was going on, but a light began to flow between his fingers—pale violet, the color of the Netherworld, the color of death magic, the color of shades and shadows and ghosts.

I moved a step closer to Delilah, and she reached out for me. I took her hand and felt the trembling fear flow off her. Morio and Camille had joined hands and were watching intently. We stood, silent, waiting, as Shade began to fade into the thin layer of smoke that began to rise around him. It was as if his body were breaking apart into minuscule dots.

Beam me up, Scotty. The thought appeared unbidden, and I would have laughed if we hadn’t been facing a crisis. Delilah gasped and clutched my hand tightly. The smoke that Shade had vanished into was infiltrating Chase’s body, filtering in through his nose.

“Shade’s going in search of Chase’s consciousness,” Camille whispered.

She looked up, silver scarring the violet of her eyes. Morio’s eyes were also gleaming. Shade’s magic was affecting them, bringing them in tune with what he was doing. Delilah began to waver, and her hand fell away from mine. One moment she was there, and the next, a large, sleek, black panther with a jeweled collar stood beside me. Quickly padding over to the bed, she rose up, front feet planted on the bottom of the sheets. I stepped forward, ready to grab her back if needed, but she just watched.

Camille and Morio began to whisper a soft chant, so soft I could barely hear it. Mallen stood back, watching and waiting. I forced myself to relax.

In through the shadows, in through the shade,

Slide through the inroads we’ve made.

Enter the psyche, open the door,

Your secrets will be secrets no more.

As I watched, a slow shimmer of silver light appeared from their breaths, flowing over Chase like a wave, rolling out to cover him fully, to settle in swirling clouds around and over his body.

After a moment, a faint voice cried out from the mist.

“I’m lost…help me…”

It was Chase, and he sounded frightened and alone. Delilah, still in panther form, leaned closer, surrounded by the swirling mist as well. Instinct made me step forward, take hold of her collar, and gently pull her away.

“You can’t help right now, Kitten. Let them work. Let Morio and Camille and Shade do what they can.” I knelt by her and wrapped my arms around the big fuzzy neck and crooned in her ear. She seemed anxious—hell, I knew she was anxious—but she listened to me and lay down. I patted her back, stroking her fur and scratching her between the ears. I knew better than just about anyone what Delilah liked when she was in cat form, and it wasn’t all that much different when she shifted into her panther form.

She rumbled a broken purr, then licked me on the face. I wiped the slobber off and kissed her on the nose. “It will be all right. We’ll find him. Just give them time and space.”

With a slight hiccup, she rested her head on her paws and waited. I turned back to the others. Morio and Camille were now by Chase’s side, their hands pressed on his heart and his forehead. Shade was still nowhere in sight.