The snow was falling gently outside; we could see it drifting lazily to the ground, and I was about to suggest a moonlight walk when Delilah jumped up.

“I want to give Camille her present now,” she said.

I grinned. “But we already exchanged gifts . . . granted, a day later than the Solstice, but you gave me a M.A.C. gift certificate.”

She shook her head, grinning. “That wasn’t your real present. I needed Shade’s help to get you this one. And I’m so glad I did, considering what you gave me. Thank you, Camille. I never would have bought this for myself.” With a sideways glance at the bottle of Chanel No. 5—our mother’s perfume—that I’d given her, she smiled shyly.

Curious, now, wondering what could require Shade’s help to purchase, I slid off Smoky’s lap and leaned forward. “What is it?”

Delilah nodded to Shade, who sucked in a deep breath and held out his hands. A shadow slowly filtered out of his fingers to settle in front of me, and out of the shadow walked . . . a cat? But it looked different—ever so slightly ghostly, caught between the physical and the astral.

At my look of confusion, Shade said, “There are many creatures wandering the Netherworld who don’t realize they’re dead. We help some of them cross over, but others, like this little girl, prefer to just remain in between.”

The shadow cat, a long-haired gray girl, leaped up on my lap. I could feel her energy, almost as if she really had weight, and she leaned against me, purring. Hesitantly, I ran my hand along her side. She was just corporeal enough for me to feel a faint wash of silk under my hands. When she rubbed her chin against my boobs, I knew I was lost.

“She’s beautiful . . . and loving.”

“She isn’t ready to move on—but she misses people. She was looking for a person, and when I told Delilah about her, she thought you might just be the one. For one thing, with you working death magic, you can sense spirits easier, so she can manifest for you.” Shade smiled as I broke into a wide grin.

“And for another thing, she doesn’t set off my territorial instincts. And I knew you wanted a kitty so bad.” Delilah beamed at me and leaned forward.

I took her hands and kissed her, the cat between us.

“What are you going to name her? And thank goodness I won’t have another litter box to look after,” Iris said.

We all laughed, as I stroked the shadow cat, wondering what to call her. But then it was obvious. “I’m going to call her Misty. I just hope she sticks around . . .” I was already in love with the little creature, and the fact that she was spirit and not flesh didn’t bother me. The spirit world was just as real as ours. We’d all found that out in one way or another.

As Misty ran over to Morio and jumped on his lap, I took a deep breath. This—family and their love—this was the best medicine I could have to heal me up. I prayed we’d be able to make it last.


I was packing a bag, getting ready for a brief weekend away with my husbands. Morio was on his feet again, and we were ready for a quiet break. We were only going over to Bain-bridge Island to stay in a condo for the weekend and walk on the beach, but it sounded like heaven to me.

Iris came in and sat on the bed next to me. Misty snuggled up on her lap. The little cat had manifested enough so everybody in the house could see her. Maggie played great games of chase with her but never could lay a finger on her, so there was no worry there.

I glanced over at Iris, smiling. “How’s Hanna adjusting?”

“She’s doing great. She’s decided to stay for a while and is quickly learning the ways of this world. I think she’s afraid to go home, afraid she’ll never find her daughters again. Or worse, that she’ll find out they died. She keeps saying she’s used to far harder work than this, and I tell you, I’m grateful for the help. With as many people as we have living here now, it’s been getting unwieldy.”

“I know; I’m glad she’s agreed to stay.” I paused, brushing the smooth weave of the skirt I’d just packed. “I’m so looking forward to this vacation.”

“I know, and I’m glad you’re taking it. The four of you need some time together, without the rest of us around.” She paused, then added, “I’ve something to tell you.” Iris flashed me a fair grin. She looked radiant, and I attributed it to having that monkey of a curse off her back.

“What’s up?” I prayed it wasn’t something that would keep us from going on our trip.

“Nothing major . . . don’t worry. You will have your fun on the beach with no interference, even if it is cold.” She sighed. “Perhaps we’ll catch a break this weekend while you’re gone, and find a lead to Telazhar.”

So far, all our searching for Telazhar and the Bog Eater had come to a big fat zero, though Vanzir thought he might be on the trail of one of the spirit seals. We’d been looking high and low for signs of the sorcerer the past few weeks, and the rogue portal, and the Bog Eater, but had struck out on all three counts.

I folded another skirt into the suitcase, then tucked in perfume, bath oil, body wash, and whatever else I could fit.

“We need to find something soon. I don’t trust this lull. So, what is it you wanted to tell me?” I zipped up the case and lowered it to the floor. My bruises were almost gone, and although my back had scarred, it wasn’t terribly noticeable unless I was under harsh light.

She broke a little smile. “Oh, just that it’s a good thing Hanna decided to stay, because we’re going to need her more than ever soon enough. Also, that we’ll be needing to build the house for Bruce and me sooner than we thought. We’re getting married on Valentine’s Day. I want you to officiate at the wedding, if you would. Be our priestess?”

“Valentine’s Day? That soon? Of course I’ll be your priestess! But why the rush, if I might ask? And I know you need a house—we’re really outgrowing ours with all the additions to the family . . . but there’s room for Bruce until we get yours built.” I grinned at her. “You really love him, don’t you?”

The Talon-haltija broke out into that milkmaid smile that lit up her face and she ducked her head, her golden hair shimmering in the light. “Yes, I do. Though there might be room for Bruce here, well . . . the reason we’re getting married early, and going to need our own cottage right away, is that . . . well . . . I’m going to have a baby.”