Hyto nodded to his snow monkey, and the rogue monk held out his staff. A wave of pale mist began to emanate from it, and I found myself backing away and pulling out the horn.

“Poison! I can smell it from here. Poison gas!” I held up the horn and called on the Master of Winds.

Master of Winds, heed my call. Bring the winds to save us now!

As I thrust the horn into the air, a gale sprang up and raced through my body, sending me to my knees. Still I held steady, even though Delilah and Iris went tumbling to the ground. They rolled to the side, though Shade, Vishana, and Smoky managed to keep on their feet.

The winds howled forth from the horn, raging along the crest of the hill toward Hyto and the monk. It caught the cloud of poison in its wake and dispersed it, pushing it back. Hyto just laughed, but Asheré looked to be in trouble as the gas backfired on him, swelling around him. He dropped the staff and clutched at his throat. Hyto stared at him, not moving to help him.

Asheré reached a hand toward his master, but Hyto just let out a snort.

“Weakling. You fool, you never thought of this potential consequence and so you pay the price.” He kicked the gasping monk out of the way with a single swift foot to the stomach and headed toward us, his robes fluttering against the snow. “The poison won’t work on me, girl. I advise you to spare your sister and that pint-sized sprite by sending them away. Now.”>“Of course. What would you have her call me otherwise? Hey you?” The corners of her lips turned ever so slightly upward, and I met her gaze with a weak smile. I knew where this was leading, but no way, nohow was I taking the lead. So not my place to interrupt a dragon.

“Yes, Mother.” Looking contrite in a way that I’d only ever seen him look around Iris, Smoky cleared his throat. “Honorable Lady Vishana, it would please me if you were to greet my wife, Camille te Maria D’Artigo, priestess of the Moon Mother. Camille, this is my mother, Lady Vishana. Your mother-in-law.”

I waited, wondering what she’d do. Would she strike out, as Hyto had? Or would she ignore me? But the next moment, she reached out and took my hands in hers. As she held them, she gazed down with those steel eyes and then a smile spread across her face. Oh, she was still aloof, but the smile was genuine, and as she spoke, a note of sincerity filled her words.

“Camille, I have been waiting to meet you since Iampaatar first told me of his marriage. So you are the one who has stolen my son’s heart? Welcome to the family.” And then she leaned down and kissed me briefly on the cheek.

Chapter 21

As she stood back, still holding my hands, I breathed a slow sigh of relief. Then her gaze fell on my neck and she reached out to finger the collar. I swallowed. What the hell was she going to think of me, wearing Hyto’s symbol? Would she resent me? Would she despise me for being weak?

But as she searched my face, I felt myself opening up to her. There was something regal yet just about her energy, and I leaned closer, silently pleading for her to understand that I had not chosen to allow Hyto into my life.

“I am so sorry that my ex-husband found his way to you.” She read my expression thoroughly, and when she’d finished, she turned toward Smoky and her words came out with a catch. “I should have denied him sooner. This would not have happened if I’d paid attention when I first began to notice his behavior. Shortly after you and your siblings were born, I should have cast him out. But I wasn’t sure . . . I thought perhaps he was still young and rash.”

Smoky shook his head. “He’s gone over the edge. Hyto is lost.”

Finding my courage, I spoke up. “He’s furious at Smoky and at me. He means to destroy us. He kidnapped me and was going to use me as bait to lure Smoky in, but with a little help, I escaped.”

Vishana listened, then crossed her arms. “Surviving Hyto’s perversions takes a strong spirit. We have to be cautious. He’s wily and will not give any quarter.” With a glance past us, she pointed to Iris, Shade, and Delilah. “Introductions, my Iampaatar. You are not bred from coarse society. You will be civil.”

As I tried to stifle a laugh, Vishana flashed me a sly grin. “I’m sure you’ve found my son a chore to tame. I understand you have two other husbands, as well.”

Startled that Smoky had given her that much information, I nodded. “Yes . . . actually. I hope you don’t—”

With a harried gesture, she cut me off. “It is of no concern. In the Dragon Reaches, we, on occasion, allow plural marriage, and taking a lover is common. But I am surprised at my son. He was always the most headstrong.” Then, after a beat, she added, “For him to share you means that his love is stronger than life. Remember that, Camille. You are blessed. But so is he—for you to come with him on this hunting expedition tells me you have a brave heart, and the conviction to stand by your husband is honorable.”

I had a feeling that honorable was an important word in Vishana’s household. Turning to my sister, I started to introduce the rest of them, but my mother-in-law held up her hand.

“Ah, ah, ah! I asked my son to do the honors. It is his task, and I will not have him turning into a boor. Mind you, keep control of your household, Camille. Just because he is dragon, there is no reason for my son to ride roughshod over everyone. Do you understand? The household rules are set by the wife and to be obeyed.”

Smoky fumed but said nothing while I let out a laugh. I’d just been given permission to scold my husband by his mother.

“If you’re quite done talking about me, please allow me to introduce my sister-in-law, Delilah Maria te Maria D’Artigo. And this is Lady Iris Kuusi, priestess of Undutar. And this is Delilah’s lover, Shade. He is—”

“Half shadow dragon. I can sense it, my son. And . . . half Stradolan.” Smoky’s mother looked Shade up one side and down the other. “Fascinating. I’ve never met a half-breed shadow dragon before. Your kind seldom mate outside the ranks.” There was nothing inherently rude about the comment, but somehow it felt like she’d given us a valuable tidbit of information there.

Shade bowed. “Honorable Lady Vishana, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Please accept my services.”

“You are soft spoken and well mannered. Teach my son a lesson or two, if you would. I fear that living alone for so many centuries has made him pigheaded. But he is a good man, and I’m proud of him.” Vishana glanced at the top of the slope. “Well, then. Shall we find Hyto and take him down? I don’t have all day to dawdle, and I’m in no mood to prolong this battle.”

I stared at her. “You’re coming with us, then?” I hadn’t been entirely sure what she was here for. I’d been hoping, but hope doesn’t always spring true.

“Oh, yes, my dear. I’m here for a fight, and I won’t leave while Hyto still stands. Come then. Iampaatar, lead us to the battle. Camille, protect yourself. I will not lose a daughter-in-law the day I meet her.”

And so, with Smoky carrying Iris in the front, we headed up the mountain to the crest of the slope, as the snow fell silently around us.