“Lie back in my arms. If you need me to stop, then just say the word.” With one hand he stroked down the side of my body, gently playing my skin with his fingertips. His darkened nails—sharp and black—became the bow on the violin as he deftly stroked my breasts, lowering his mouth to my nipple, tugging it very gently with his teeth before lightly sucking.

I caught my breath, a wave of desire and fear racing through me. I wanted him, but I was afraid to give in to the feeling. I still hurt—was this a bad idea? But then his fingers slid down my stomach, fluttering over the bruised skin so lightly I barely felt them except for the sudden flurry of hunger from deep in my body. He reached my clit and softly stroked the embers, coaxing them to ignite, as he whispered in my ear.

“Camille, give yourself up to me. Let me guide you, take you down. That’s right, breathe deep and surrender to the feel of my fingers.” As he swirled against me, his fingers dancing lightly over my body, my breath caught in my chest and I felt the weight of the collar on my neck. Maybe this was a mistake—maybe Hyto could feel me? Could he sense what I was sensing?

“Spread your legs, my love, let me fully explore you.” Morio’s voice brought me back into myself as a sob caught in my throat. I did as he asked, spread my legs, and he slid two fingers inside me, cajoling me, caressing me, tickling me into a delicious froth of hunger.

But there he was—Hyto’s face, smirking down at me. Hyto’s body, ramming itself into me. I fought for control, fought to shove him out of my mind. Fought to take control of my body back from my attacker.

“Camille, breathe deep . . . once, twice . . . tell me where you are.”

The words lurched out of me. “Caught between heaven and hell, my love,” I whispered, my throat thick with phlegm. “I need to release, need to let go, but what if he feels me? What if he’s watching through the fucking collar? What if he uses me?”

“Let go of him. There’s nothing you can do about the collar right now. And if he is? Then let’s give him a show to know what he’s missing—to know what he will never, ever have. What he took from you wasn’t sex, it was strength, and what I give to you is strength.”

Morio’s voice was smooth, satin on skin, and it pulled me down into a haze of sexual hunger. I inhaled deeply on his command, then slowly let it go as he began to stroke me faster. I heard myself crying, sharp jagged little pants as my fear fought the growing heat, but then she was there, with me, the Moon Mother.

This is who you are, Camille—you are a priestess of the Hunt, a witch, a sexually charged being. You cannot hide from yourself in fear that others may see it and desire you. You have to be who you are. Don’t be afraid of your passion. Hyto will feel you through the collar, or he won’t. Either way, it doesn’t take away from what you and Morio are doing, and it doesn’t let the evil into you.

I struggled, trying to move beyond the fear, trying to get beyond the roadblock with Hyto’s face on it. His leer bothered me most, the grasping leer. But then I felt—rather than saw—another pair of hands stroking my legs, and yet a third sliding across my arms. The circle was complete—all my men were with me, surrounding me, helping me, protecting me. Trillian leaned forward and kissed me deep, and I felt the dark charming swirl of his sensuality run through me like a waterfall. I shuddered, wanting more.

Smoky’s hair lightly played on my body, but in such gentle swirls that I could no longer see Hyto—instead, there was my dragon, my love, staring down at me. Morio kept up the gentle stroking, insistent, not letting up, pushing me higher and higher.

And then, suddenly, the lightning inside broke, thunder crashing through me, reverberating from head to toe, and with a giant shudder I screamed, one long cry, and all the anger and tears and frustration broke through, flooding me with a wave of cleansing tears as I came long, sharp, and hard.

Gasping, swirling in the haze of passion, I opened my eyes to see the three of them staring down. Still crying, I gathered them in, realizing they’d never turn their backs on me even in the darkest of times.

Chapter 19

I let out a long breath, my body still aching but no longer feeling like it was under a ton of pressure. As they helped me sit up, I shivered and Morio wrapped me in his blanket.

“Thank you,” I whispered, feeling suddenly shy. “I . . . I . . .”

“You need to heal, and whatever it takes, we are here for you.” Trillian chucked me under the chin. “But for now, I think you need food and sleep.”

I nodded. “I can’t sleep alone tonight. Smoky, will you allow Trillian to share the bed with us? I know this is your barrow, but . . .”

Smoky let out a soft rumble. “Always, as you wish. But Morio is right. We all need dinner.” He handed me my bathrobe and I slid into it, tying the belt firmly around my waist. The soft silk felt smooth against my back and, with a swish of material, I headed for the living room. Morio eased himself into a wheelchair and wheeled himself behind me, as they brought up the rear.

Iris had managed to somehow turn the small kitchen into a full food factory, and now a gleaming platter of stew sat on the table, while Rozurial and Vanzir set out paper plates and plastic utensils. Trillian hurried to take a bowl of dinner rolls from her, and as soon as everything was on the table, we dug in. Trillian brought a plate to Morio, and Delilah brought one to me. As I was sitting there, I saw Menolly over in the corner, her gaze fastened on Morio. He was looking at her, too, and my stomach thudded.

One more thing to deal with—the blood she’d given to him in order to heal him had created a sexual bond between the two, and now they had the hots for one another. I wasn’t too concerned. Though I really preferred that my husband not fuck my sisters, if he had to, at least Menolly would do her best to keep from hurting him. But right now, I didn’t want to be worrying about walking in on them, along with everything else.

I sauntered over to Menolly. “The pull still there, huh?”

I swear she blushed, though vampires don’t. She shrugged. “Yeah, but we’ve got it under control. And with what’s going on, I’m not about to do anything to make your burden heavier.”

“If it happens . . .” I turned to her and looked her straight in the eyes. “If it happens, I won’t blame either of you. I prefer that it doesn’t, but I’m not going to throw fits. We’ve seen the result of that . . .”

This whole mess had driven home the fact that there were some things not worth throwing tantrums over.

Menolly nodded, then hung her head. “Though the connection is compelling, to be honest, I normally wouldn’t find him all that attractive. Roman—yes. But he’s a vampire, and when it comes to the boys, I want someone I can toss around. I fully understand this is an unnatural bond. But you . . . how are you doing?”

I slid into a chair by her side, quietly enjoying the stew. “Honestly? Angry. More angry than anything. The pain makes me angry, the bruises make me angry . . . the knowledge that he’s been inside me without my consent—makes me angry. I’ve never felt so much anger. Not since you showed up at home and we realized what Dredge had done to you.”

Menolly laid her hand on mine. “You helped save me from what he had planned. Nobody could save me from him, but you stopped his plans for me. I’ll never forget that. And I intend to repay you.”

Chase meandered over, a strange look on his face. He’d put down his plate, and now he rubbed one temple. “I feel rather strange,” he said. “Does anybody have any aspirin?”