“He’s a youkai—not the kind of demon that Vanzir is. There’s a difference.” She fel silent. After a moment, she added, “I feel like I’ve betrayed al three of them. Menol y, I enjoyed it.” She glanced at me out of the side of her eyes. “I don’t want to admit it, but the fear and the worry—I was so high-strung, and then Vanzir began to feed on me and I panicked.”

“I’d be surprised if some part of you didn’t enjoy fucking him. Camil e, look at who you are.” I bit my lip, trying to find a way to make her see what I could see. “You’re a highly sexual woman, and you are our father’s daughter. The Fae in our blood drives you. And any time you’re running an adrenaline rush, of course that side of you is going to be on high alert.”

She let out a shudder that was almost a sob. “I don’t want to tel them, but I have to. I know Tril ian wil understand, but Morio—how wil he feel knowing that he was lying there dying while I had my legs wrapped around Vanzir?”

I couldn’t answer. But I could tel her what she needed to hear. “It wil al be okay. Just wait for the right time. The rest of us won’t say a word. Just think before you speak. Don’t let your guilt eat at you. You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

Roman’s limousine appeared in the driveway. I pressed her hand, then stood. “I have to go.

What we’re doing tonight is important, not just for the vampires of Seattle, but for the FBHs, too.

Because vamps like Terrance feed on the innocent. Wish me luck. I’l be home before morning.”

And as I headed down the steps, leaving them to sort out the mishmash of things that had happened, I knew Camil e was right. She and Delilah would be at my back always. We might grow our own separate ways, but we wouldn’t grow apart. I just wished I could have made her feel better the way she had me. But that was my sister: always the rock of the family.

Roman was dressed in black jeans and a tight black sweater, and his hair was caught back in a French braid. I gazed at him.

“I should tel you, I’m going through with a pledging ceremony with my girlfriend come spring. I can be your official consort, but I can never be your wife.” Camil e’s words about betrayal were ringing in my ears, and though I’d already talked to Nerissa about Roman, I wanted to make my stance perfectly clear.

He inclined his head. “And as I said, I have no problem with that. I wil place your intended under my protection, as wel . I assume she is not vampire?”

“No, she’s a werepuma.” I paused, staring out the tinted windows. “We caught the serial kil er.

He’s dead.” I gave him a quick wrap-up of what happened. “Do you think we should look for his sire?”

“Why would we do that?”

“I don’t know . . . she’s siring innocent victims. Look what her actions cost—five lives. Six, if you count Charles.”

“No need. If she continues to be a problem, we’l take action, but for now, let it be.” He gazed at me with his frost-ridden eyes. “Once the Regency is secure, she won’t be welcome in the city.”

After a moment, I looked ahead through the dividing glass at the driver. “Who is your driver? He a vampire, too?”

“Yes. His name is Hans, and he’s been with me for three hundred years, as a horseman, a buggy driver, and now, my chauffeur. He was turned in the year 1210, on a raiding party.”

Old. These were old vampires. “How old is Terrance? I don’t know much about him. Delilah tried to ferret out information but couldn’t find more than a scrap or two on him.”

Roman shifted. “Terrance is not so old—younger than Hans, even. He was born into his second life in the year 1815. He was a petty thief, a con man, and a murderer in his former life. He lived in the Southwest—was born and bred there. Died young, around twenty-five. He had aspirations, shal we say, to become a famous card player. He didn’t play wel enough to keep from getting run out of every town he drifted into. The last one, he was forcibly evicted by the sheriff late one night and fel into the hands of a vampire.”

“How did he become so . . . so . . .”

“So worldly? So educated?”

“I was going to say so popular, but that works, too.” The Terrance I’d met seemed older than a scant two hundred years, minus a few. He came across as smooth, suave, and sophisticated, not like some two-bit con man traveling from city to city, trying to make a buck.

“A man may become educated through school, he may learn manners through a tutor, but he wil never develop class unless it is in his nature and heart. And Terrance has no class. He’s greedy, grasping, and though he’s not an actual threat to the throne, he’s an impediment.”

Roman shifted, crossing one leg over the other. “My mother is harsh, but she has a regal air that Roman shifted, crossing one leg over the other. “My mother is harsh, but she has a regal air that lends itself wel to her position. She is never crass or boorish. Terrance is a poor specimen to represent our kind, and that is why he must die. For, unlike your young friend, he wil never step down if asked.”

“What’s the plan?”

“The plan is, we meet my associates at the club, walk in, and take out Terrance.”

“I’ve been in the Fangtabula before. There’s a lot of security there.”

“You were not there with me, or my guards.”

“True.” Actual y, he’d piqued my curiosity. Just how big was his army, and who was in it? Before I could ask anything, we pul ed to a stop.