“Meaning Camil e.” Smoky’s hair was up in arms, too, it seemed, the ankle-length tendrils coiling and snapping through the air like wild silver whips. His arms were around her shoulders, holding her to him. He wouldn’t even let Tril ian near her.

“My father wil die before he ever puts a single finger on my wife,” he said with a growl.

I’d never seen such a horrific look on his face, not even when Camil e was in danger from our enemies. His dragon energy swirled around him, a mist of white with silver sparkles, and he looked ten seconds away from transforming. Which would total y trash the house, if he did.

“He tried to kil my mother, and for that alone, he must die. But if he thinks he can touch my wife, I wil rip his throat out, I wil emasculate and eviscerate him, and then toss him over the highest mountain in the land.”

I blinked. He wasn’t kidding.

“Is your mother okay?”

Smoky gazed at me, his face a frozen sculpture. “She is. She is more powerful than Hyto, and she cast him down. My brothers and sisters wing-strapped him until help could arrive. Ever since she denied him in front of the Council, he’s apparently been planning her death. If he sets foot in the Dragon Reaches again, he wil be tortured and put to death.”

I glanced at Camil e, who was looking absolutely petrified. Nothing like being on a dragon’s shit list, that was for sure.

The thought of fighting dragons was certainly enough to cow me. “It must be a terrible sight, dragon against dragon.”

Smoky gave me a subtle nod. “It is a terrifying spectacle. An actual fight between dragons can ravage the country for miles around. Some young males who do not want to accept their place in the hierarchy bear scorch scars across their bel ies and backs for life.” He let out a long breath.

“But we wil address this later. What’s going on? Where’s Morio?”

“Fox Boy almost got himself kil ed,” Tril ian said softly. “We’ve had one hel of a time the past couple of days.”

“Sharah says he can come home tomorrow, but he’l be out of the action for a couple of months.

Delilah, just as you’re coming off bed rest, he’s going on it. Menol y’s blood saved his life, but he’s not going to be doing much of anything for a while.” Camil e glanced up at Smoky anxiously.

“Please, treat him with care—we almost lost him to a hungry ghost.”

Smoky gave her a kiss on the head. “Understood, my love.”

“At least the kil er’s gone,” I started to say, but my cel phone jangled. I glanced at the ID.

Roman. “Excuse me, I need to take this.”

Moving to one side, I answered.

“You stil want in on taking Terrance down?”


“Then be ready. My limo wil pick you up in ten minutes. My driver is on the way. Dress for speed and action.”

“Need any other help?”

Roman laughed. “No, my dear. This is for you and me. Alone.” And he hung up. I stared at the phone. Once again, I had to go into battle without my sisters, and it felt odd. Lonely, even. But this was not my cal to make, so I decided to make the best of it.

“I have to go. Vampire business with Roman.”

“You sure you don’t need help?” Camil e gave me the soft doe eyes that usual y cajoled me into letting her take part in whatever I was doing. But this time . . .

“I wish you could—I’ve missed having you with me. But you stay and help Iris get ready for Morio’s return. He’l need a bed set up and everything else . . . and you and Smoky may want to . .


Smoky let out a loud guffaw. “That we do.”

Camil e cleared her throat. “I’m actual y pretty tired. Let’s get Morio’s bed ready, and then we’l see about anything else.”