"Thanks," I said, folding the paper and sticking it in my pocket. "So, do you know of any enemies the werewolves might have in this area? Maybe a sorcerer, or wizard or . . . someone of that sort?"

Katrina shook her head. "I'm sorry, I real y mostly focus on my own Pack's needs and concerns. We get enough flack from everybody else as it is, and not many werewolves in this area worry about us. I can tel you that for sure."

We spent another few minutes making smal talk and eating cookies, and then headed out. As we reached the car, Luke paused.

"I'l be right back--I forgot something." He jogged back to the house.

Nerissa and I climbed in and shut the doors against the slashing rain. "Ten to one he asks her on a date," I said, grinning.

"Ten to one she says yes." Nerissa snorted. A moment later, Luke was back and slid into the backseat, fastening his seat belt.

I glanced over my shoulder. "So, she agree to go out with you?"

A long, red blush crept up his cheeks, making him look total y adorable. He ducked his head. "That obvious, huh?"

"Ya think?" Nerissa chuckled. "So dish. Did she say yes?"

With a hiccup that sounded suspiciously like a giggle, Luke nodded. "Yeah, she's going out with me. I can't believe she said yes. Good god, I haven't had a date in years, and I'm scared shitless."

"You should be," Nerissa said as I eased the car back down the street. "That girl's gonna take you for one hel of a ride. Just jump on and grip tight."

We stopped at the FH-CSI headquarters so I could cal the potential y missing Weres. I could have used my cel , of course, but it seemed like a good idea to let Chase know about the possibility of other missing Weres. However, he wasn't anywhere to be seen when we got there.

"Yugi, can we use a private room with a phone?"

He motioned me into one of the conference rooms. As I pul ed out the piece of paper, Nerissa opened her purse.

"Coke? Candy? I see a couple vending machines out there, and I know you can't stay away from the sweet stuff." She waved a dol ar bil in front of my face.

I pul ed out my netbook--a recent purchase that I loved--and flipped it open, starting it up before I cal ed the first number.

"Mean woman. You're a mean, mean woman. I think I had enough cookies, actual y." I didn't want to admit it, but I was on a sugar high from hel , and my body suddenly didn't like the feeling. "Maybe just some sparkling water if they have it?"

She nodded and headed out the door. Luke pul ed out his cel phone and moved to one side. I heard him mumble something and realized he was checking in at the bar. As he flipped it shut, I glanced at him, and he shrugged.

"Chrysandra says it's going to be a heavy night, but they have things covered for now. I have a little time before I have to check in."

"Good. Let me just start with Paulo here." I punched in his number and waited. The phone rang three times, and then a woman answered.

"Hel o, my name is Delilah D'Artigo, and I'm trying to get hold of Paulo Franco. Is he available?"

"Who the fuck are you? Are you having an affair with my Paulo? Because let me tel you something. I'm pregnant with his child, so just back off!" She punctuated her outburst with a sob and the sound of harsh tears.

"Wait--please, no. Nothing like that. I assure you, I haven't even met Paulo before, but I needed to ask him some questions." I scrambled to keep her from hanging up--and from believing the worst.

A couple of sobs and a gulp later, she said, "Are you sure? You sure you aren't sniffing around my Paulo?"

"I'm positive. I promise you. This is in regards to a missing werewolf. I was just wondering if he'd heard anything through the grapevine."

I decided it was better to play it safe than to ask why he hadn't shown up to meet Katrina and the gang. On the off chance Katrina had been fooling around with him, I didn't want to bring her name into the matter. But the woman on the phone saved me the trouble.

"Wel , you can make that two missing werewolves. Paulo ain't been home in almost three weeks. I don't know where he is. He's always been jumpy, and when he found out about the baby, he got skittish. But he's going to marry me, and he promised he'd do right by me." Her voice now flat, she sounded defeated and out of steam.

"What's your name? I'd like to come talk to you. Maybe I can help track him down. I'm a private investigator."

Bingo. The promise of help seemed to do the trick.

"You mean it? You'd help me? I don't have much money, but I'l see what I can come up with--"