As I parked, I glanced at the view and thought that, modest or not, this had to have set the werewolf back a pretty penny. Waterfront property--and that included anything with even a remote view of the water--was mega-expensive.

The wind was whipping a froth on the sound as we climbed out of my Jeep. The scent of brine hung heavy as it filtered in, and the screech of seagul s made me nervous. I didn't like the water--most werecats didn't. Even though we were nowhere near any danger of fal ing in, the mere sight of such a vast expanse of silvery waves unsettled me. I never could figure out what people found so soothing about the water. To me it was al one big scary bathtub.

Luke, on the other hand, lifted his nose into the air and sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes as the wind whistled past.

"I love this weather," he said. "I love this area. I'd never go back to Arizona, even if the Pack asked me to return."

"Let's go," Nerissa said. "Katrina's waiting for us. I don't know if Luke gave you the rundown, Delilah, but a few pointers: never stare down a werewolf.

It's a chal enge, and even though Katrina's not an alpha bitch, it wil set her on edge. When you greet her, smile, nod, but don't lock gazes."

"Good point," Luke said. "I'm pretty good about control ing the impulse, but a lot of werewolves haven't been able to master their inner beast."

"I'm glad you told me, because in the feline Were world, it's the opposite."

We headed up the sloping lawn to the house, where Nerissa rang the bel on the freshly painted house. The smel of paint had faded and now mingled with the smel s of overturned earth--which meant Katrina probably had a garden--and woodsmoke. A glance at the roof showed she had a chimney and yes--it was puffing away.

The door opened, and a dark-haired, rather intimidating looking woman stood there. I don't know what I'd expected, but it hadn't been to see a woman in a corporate skirt suit, with her hair done up in a bun, wearing wire-framed glasses. She was trim and petite, barely five five I guessed, and her jaw was set strong and firm. In days gone by, she would have been cal ed a handsome woman. Her eyes, though, were arresting. Dark, bril iant brown, like molten chocolate, ringed with a circle of topaz.

As she saw Nerissa, a smile washed over her face, and the stern primness turned to warm beauty. "Nessa! Long time, no see. Are these your friends?"

She glanced at Luke and me. "Weres, both of you, but you--" She pointed to me. "You have something else in the mix. You're not a typical Were."

Just then a crack of thunder rumbled overhead, and the clouds broke, drenching us with huge, fat raindrops. Nerissa squealed and covered her head as Katrina slipped away from the door and ushered us in.

"Good grief, where are my manners? Get yourselves in here. Come on." She hustled us into the living room near the fireplace. I gasped as I saw the huge bay window that faced Puget Sound. Enough of the obscuring greenery had been cut away for us to be staring out over the huge body of water that Seattle nestled itself against, and the sight was breathtaking, picture-perfect.

"How lovely," I whispered, sinking down onto the window seat that jutted out from the house, providing a panoramic view. With glass and rocks and plenty of ravine between me and the water, I could appreciate the sight. "You have a wonderful home," I added, glancing around.

Polished, rich hardwood floors underscored cream-colored wal s, and the built-in shelves and trim matched the color and grain of the floor. The furnishings were dark and heavy, leather and wood, and matched perfectly with the brick of the fireplace. The decor was that of a hunting lodge but upscale and comforting.

I sucked in a deep breath and looked around. Yuletide, I thought. It smel ed like Midwinter. Sure enough, a jar of blue spruce-scented potpourri rested on an end table next to an oversized chair. Cinnamon sticks poked out of the mix, and cloves, and what I suspected was a dried vanil a bean.

"Thank you," Katrina said, sitting down in a wooden rocking chair that had been covered with a patchwork quilted throw. I had a feeling she'd made it herself.

Nerissa motioned to Luke. "This is Luke--he's the Were who's . . ." She paused, glancing at him, her face flaming.

"What Nerissa is trying to say without offending me is that I'm the Were who's pariah to my Pack. I was excommunicated and turned out on threat of death many years ago." He pul ed back his hair, and I gasped as a notched ear came into view. "I bear the mark of the unworthy."

If Katrina was surprised, she didn't show it. Instead, she offered him her hand. "Luke, it's nice to meet you. Welcome to my home."

It was as if some unspoken acceptance ritual had passed between the two, and by the look of relief that washed over his face, I knew I was right.

"And this is Delilah," Nerissa said. "One of Menol y's sisters." When her voice touched on Menol y's name, there was a hint of pride in it, and I repressed a grin. Nerissa had it bad for my little sister, al right.

Katrina shot me a long look. "You're right, she's definitely pretty--but she's not as flamboyant as you mentioned."

"That would be Camil e, her other sister," Nerissa said, turning bright red. She glanced over at me, flustered. "Trust me, I don't talk about you guys to everybody," she offered. "Just to my friends. Oh wait--that didn't sound right . . ."

I cleared my throat. "Don't sweat it. As long as you aren't pul ing a Jerry Springer on us, it's al good." Turning to Katrina, I said, "So, yes, I'm a two-faced werecat who's half-Fae, half-human. I'm also a Death Maiden. It's no wonder you sense other energy clinging to me."

We settled back, the only sounds the rain pounding down on the roof and slashing against the windows. After a few moments, Nerissa let out a long sigh.

"We have some tricky questions for you, but trust me, we wouldn't ask them if they weren't important."

"Whatever it is, it sounds serious," Katrina said.

"Yeah," I answered. "Lives depend on finding out the information we're seeking. We don't know if you can tel us anything, but we have to try al avenues."