It's almost considered heresy against the race."

He quickly darted a look at Katrina. "Not that I agree with that mind-set--hel , I was kicked out for my inability to accept the authority of the Packmaster, especial y when injustice ruled."

She nodded. "You are no longer Zone Red material. That's a compliment, in my book. But even so, back to your sister . . . the Zone Red wolves are as violent as they are stubborn, but you're right. I don't know if even they would be capable of using Wolf Briar."

"If the Zone Red wolves are the worst of the lot, then maybe we're not dealing with werewolves here. Maybe somebody else kidnapped Amber. But who, and why?" Nerissa stood. "Do you mind if I start some tea?"

Katrina blushed. "I'm so sorry--I should have offered. Go right ahead, Ness. I have a feeling your friends have more questions for me."

"That we do." I leaned back in my chair, smiling. I liked Katrina. She seemed with it and together. "So next questions: Have any werewolves, especial y male, vanished without a trace over the past months? And do you know of any enemies to the werewolves in this area, besides the hate groups?"

And then it hit me: Exo Reed had said that the goblins and Tregarts were trying to abduct a couple of the beta werewolves. Had they been in on making the Wolf Briar? It was too late to find out, but I made a note to remember to tel the others about my suspicions.

Katrina crossed to the window, staring out at the blustering weather. The trees were whipping in the wind, the firs bending from the tops of their towering spires. Mama Earth was brewing up quite a storm.

"You know, now that I think about it, there might be a couple males missing. I go to the Supe Community meetings, and I met a couple of werewolves there about six months ago. We started getting together once every few weeks, for drinks, to shoot some pool--"

"You shoot pool?" Luke asked, his eyes lighting up.

She shrugged, tossing him a grin over her shoulder. "I may appear to be the local librarian, but that's only for work. I ride a Harley, and I can run the table better than you ever dreamed, I'l bet."

"That sounds like a chal enge," he said, his eyes glinting.

"Maybe you'l take me up on it someday," she said, a curl of smile tipping her lips.

From where I was sitting, I could smel Luke. He was interested, al right. And by the lingering look she gave him, so was Katrina. Great! Nerissa and I could go into business as match-makers. But that didn't help us with Amber.

"Anyway," Katrina continued. "I've been hanging out with them for a while, but last time we met, three of the guys didn't show. Doug Smith, Paulo Franco, and Saz Star Walker. Here, let me get you their phone numbers."

As she opened her Rolodex and began jotting down notes, Nerissa returned, carrying a tray with tea, mugs, and a box of Oreos.

"Now we're talking!" I snagged up three of the cookies and bit into one, the sweet, crumbly taste of chocolate and cream fil ing my mouth. I could live on cookies . . . if only Iris would let me.

"So here's the information. I haven't had a chance the past week or so to cal them and see if everything's al right. We normal y don't check in with each other on a regular basis. Casual buddies, nothing more."

"Thanks," I said, folding the paper and sticking it in my pocket. "So, do you know of any enemies the werewolves might have in this area? Maybe a sorcerer, or wizard or . . . someone of that sort?"

Katrina shook her head. "I'm sorry, I real y mostly focus on my own Pack's needs and concerns. We get enough flack from everybody else as it is, and not many werewolves in this area worry about us. I can tel you that for sure."

We spent another few minutes making smal talk and eating cookies, and then headed out. As we reached the car, Luke paused.

"I'l be right back--I forgot something." He jogged back to the house.

Nerissa and I climbed in and shut the doors against the slashing rain. "Ten to one he asks her on a date," I said, grinning.

"Ten to one she says yes." Nerissa snorted. A moment later, Luke was back and slid into the backseat, fastening his seat belt.

I glanced over my shoulder. "So, she agree to go out with you?"

A long, red blush crept up his cheeks, making him look total y adorable. He ducked his head. "That obvious, huh?"

"Ya think?" Nerissa chuckled. "So dish. Did she say yes?"

With a hiccup that sounded suspiciously like a giggle, Luke nodded. "Yeah, she's going out with me. I can't believe she said yes. Good god, I haven't had a date in years, and I'm scared shitless.";She lives out there a ways, doesn't she?" Luke said.

"Katrina lives near the sound, on Sixteenth." I quickly turned onto Tenth, and we wound our way through more wooded suburbs, until we came to 167th.

From there, it was a short jog, and we were on the right street, the last street before Puget Sound. I slowed as we drove through the cul-de-sac, stopping in front of a modest house that had recently been built at the end of the road.