Iris glanced at Camil e, who gave her a nod.

"You're going to have to tel Menol y and Delilah at some point, especial y if the boys and I accompany you to the Northlands."

"Northlands? You're making a trek al the way to the Northlands? Why?" One look at Iris's face told me she wasn't anticipating it with joy. More like dread. More like rabid fear.

"I'l tel you and Menol y later, when the boys are back. I suppose . . . it's time my secrets came out to more than just Camil e. And don't yel at her--I asked her to keep my confidence because it doesn't affect the war against Shadow Wing. I needed time to reconcile myself to what I must do."

Wanting nothing more than to prod her secret into the open, I forced my curiosity back to acceptable limits and graceful y refrained from harassing my friend.

"Sure, no problem," I said, reaching out to give her a quick hug. "Whatever you need. I can wait."

"You lie, but you're sweet. You're champing at the bit to know what's going on. But it wil hold til later. Right now, let me go get lunch on the table. I hear Nerissa in the hal --make sure she can find the blow-dryer, wil you?" And before I could say another word, she vanished back into the kitchen.

Camil e shook her head when I turned to her. "Don't even try. Leave it to Iris to tel you herself. But hang on for one hel of a rol er-coaster ride.

Remember that spel she cast at Stacia Bonecrusher's? When she turned the Tregarts inside out?"

My stomach lurched, but I nodded. "Yeah, I remember. Al too vividly."

"It has something to do with her magic--and her past."

Luke rejoined us then. "I talked to Jason. He's stil alive, so that's good. Lone werewolves have a rough time walking separate from the Pack. Anyway, he's going to see what he can find out through the grapevine. He wasn't exiled until after he chose to leave, so he's not nearly the pariah that I'm considered."

"Lunch!" Iris cal ed from the kitchen.

I took the roundabout way, stopping in the guest bath to check on Nerissa, but she'd already found the blow-dryer and was squeaky clean and pul ed together.

"Ready for something to eat? Iris fixed lunch." I motioned for her to fol ow me. We wandered into the kitchen, and I glanced at the clock. Three P.M., a little late for lunch but far too early for dinner.

Iris had prepared homemade tomato soup and gril ed cheese sandwiches, along with a fruit salad and a dizzying tray of cookies. I clapped my hands.


Camil e snorted. "You and your cookies."

"I can't help it. I love sweets." And I did. I slid into my chair and dutiful y bit into the sandwich and spooned up soup, both delicious, but my eye was on the prize: sugar cookies . . . oh yeah.

As we ate, the door opened, and the Demon Twins came thumping in. They'd left their coats and muddy boots on the back porch and looked chil ed.

Roz and Vanzir slumped down at the table, and Roz reached for a cookie. Iris slapped his hand smartly.

"Lunch first, and then dessert. Wash up, and I'l fix your plates." She hustled to the counter as they contritely shuffled over to the sink, where they washed their hands. Iris rustled up two more bowls of soup and sandwiches.

Roz bit into his sandwich, sighing as he leaned back. "Before you ask," he said between bites, "nothing. Zip. We struck out as to any clue where the other four spirit seals might be hiding."

"Crap. Wel , you tried." I picked up my bowl and--despite Iris's shake of the head--chugged down the rest of my soup. "Yum, that was so good I'd like another bowl and another sandwich." Meanwhile, to tide myself over, I snatched a cookie.

Iris glanced at Camil e. "You, too?"

"Yes, please. I'd help, but I feel like death warmed over." She frowned at me, and after a second, I caught her meaning.

I jumped up. "Iris, let me do that. You sit down and eat." I took over the stove as the house sprite grateful y slid onto her high stool and began eating. As I raised the spatula and said, "Anybody else?" the front door opened.

"Anybody else what? And what do I smel ?" Smoky popped his head in the kitchen. "Food?" His glacial eyes lightened.

"Food, yes. Plenty of soup, and I'm slapping more sandwiches on the griddle." I held sway with the stove as Morio, Smoky, and Tril ian wandered in.

They hung up their outer-wear and gathered around the table. But one look at Camil e ended their jovial moods.