"I agree, Camil e said. "Hand over everything to the council, and let them take care of it."

"Good idea. I just . . . I wish we could have caught al of them." I didn't like leaving matters as they were, but we had no choice. I was out of commission, and Sharah had made it clear to me that she'd strap me into a hospital bed if I tried to do anything more strenuous than channel surf.

Luke shrugged. "I'm just glad to have my sister back."

Camil e glanced at me, her eyes pensive. "About that . . . Luke . . . Amber can't stay here if she's wearing the necklace."

"What necklace?" He glanced at her, then frowned. "Why not? What's wrong with it? Not fashionable enough?"

I let out a low sigh. "We have to tel you something. We've already told your sister, so she knows. You can never tel anyone else, but you need to know what's going on."

Over the next hour, we fil ed the two werewolves in on our mission, explaining from the beginning about Bad Ass Luke and Shadow Wing and the spirit seals and ending up with the Keraastar Knights. We did not tel them about our doubts or concerns over giving the seals to Queen Asteria now that we knew what she was planning to do with the spirit seals--a disaster in the making, in our opinions.

They sat, mouths open, shaking their heads. It was easy to see they were brother and sister, they looked so much alike.

"So that's what's going on with my necklace." Amber breathed a soft sigh. "And how wil that affect my baby?" She curled an arm around her bel y.

"I don't know, honestly. Queen Asteria's medics can probably help you with that--you can't tel anyone here about the problem, except Sharah." I hung my head. "Amber, you're going to have to either give us the necklace or volunteer to go to Otherworld and turn yourself over to Queen Asteria. I think you may have the genetic makeup she was talking about--to become a Keraastar Knight."

"This is sudden . . . I don't know what to do. I can't take off the necklace." She blinked, tears wel ing up. "I've never lived anywhere else . . . even coming here was so new for me."

"I'l go with you." Luke stood up.

She glanced up at him, eyes wide.

"I'm your big brother. I couldn't keep you from harm with Rice, but I can take care of you now. I'l go with you to Otherworld and make certain you're okay.

I've nothing to tie me here except for my job, and Menol y can find someone to replace me. But you . . . you need family there. You need me."

"Thank you--but are you certain?" Amber looked overjoyed, but a flicker of fear stil ran through her face.

"Yes. If Menol y and her sisters wil volunteer to pack my apartment and put my things in storage except what we'l need over there." He glanced over at Menol y, who nodded softly.

"We'l take care of everything, Luke. You're a brave man--and loyal. Just like family should be." She smiled then. "We'l talk to Queen Asteria, make sure you have everything you need. And we'l visit when we can."

Just like family should . . .

"Luke, you're a good example," I said, motioning to Menol y. "And we need to fol ow your example. Tomorrow, we'l figure out just what we're going to say to Father about what he did to Camil e. We're the Three Musketeers here . . . we stand united."

Camil e said nothing, but her lower lip trembled as she smiled at me.

Menol y gave me a solemn nod, then cal ed Morio and Smoky in. "Camil e can travel to Elqaneve, though she can't set foot in Y'Elestrial. We're too near dawn for me to go. Why don't the three of you escort Luke and his sister and the sixth spirit seal to Queen Asteria. We'l send your things over later this week, Luke."

"Thank you," Luke said as they prepared to go. "We'l make you proud. We'l do our part in this war . . . because you're working to save our world."

Breaking the mood, Camil e turned to me. "Hey, what about the hair? You going to let it grow out again?"

I frowned. Having most of my hair chopped off had been traumatic, but like everything that had happened lately, I'd found my peace with it. In fact, I liked it. The short, tousled, edgy look made me feel empowered.

"Actual y, I'm going to keep it like this. The original color wil grow back in, and that's fine with me--I could do without the blotchy orange effect, but I'm going to keep the style. It's . . . who I am now. And I'm real y starting to like who I'm becoming."

Shade rubbed my shoulders. "My love," he whispered. "You are beautiful. Inside and out."

Iris glanced up at him. "Remember what Sharah said--no sex for a couple weeks. Delilah's ribs are cracked in several places and need to heal. For now, you sleep out in the studio with the Demon Twins and Shamas."

"No fair--" I started to say, but Shade put his hand on my shoulder.

"We have plenty of time, and I plan on being around for quite awhile." He leaned down and gently kissed my lips, and once again I lost myself in the glowing heat of his body. The mark on my forehead hummed, and I suddenly found myself standing in front of Hi'ran.