I let out a long sigh. “You know that Trillian will always be a part of my life. We forged—”

“A bond. Yes, I know. The two of you performed the Eleshinar ritual and you foolishly bound yourself to him for life. The fact that it happened doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Father had never liked Trillian. In fact, when he found out that I’d given myself over to a Svartan, he’d practically thrown me out on my ass. Delilah convinced him to relent, but he’d always begrudged the relationship. Some prejudices were hard to shake. And harder still when he didn’t want to let go of the grudge.

“Trillian helped in the war more than most. The least you can do is offer him some respect. Now, can we just go home and have a nice dinner and catch up?” As much as I loved my father, I was beginning to remember why I’d decided going Earthside might not be such a bad idea. Though I didn’t want to admit it, the truth was we were too much alike. We butted heads over just about everything.

“Oh, I respect the man,” my father said. “I just don’t trust him. Especially when it comes to you. Anytime you give someone power over you, you become vulnerable. As a Guardsman’s daughter, I thought I taught you that.”

I wanted to point out that Trillian and I had power over each other. And that Father had given the Court and Crown power over him when he signed up for the Guard. But I decided to forego the debate. I’d never win, even when I was right.

“I’m hungry. Can we go home and eat?”

He smiled then. “Of course. I’m being an ungracious host.” Motioning toward the door, he added, “The carriage is waiting, but we have a stop to make first.”

“So our home survived the war?” Anxious, I followed him, with Morio and Iris right behind me.

He looked crestfallen. “You’re going to see a big change in the streets of our city. And at home, too, Camille, and I apologize for that. When Lethesanar placed a bounty on our heads, she pillaged our house. I managed to get all our souvenirs out in time but the furniture, all the tapestries, were destroyed or looted. Everything is new. Your aunt Rythwar helped me decorate, after she helped me retrieve the goods we put into hiding.”

We swept through the halls of the palace until we came to a set of silver double doors. A contingent of guards stood at attention beside the entrance. They bowed to my father. Two attendants opened the doors for us and we filed through.

The room was windowless, and an ornate desk and chair sat toward the back. Sitting in the chair was a woman who looked familiar, and yet I knew I’d never seen her before. And then it hit me. Tanaquar. The Queen. She looked a lot like Lethesanar, the Opium Eater. Only, instead of hair the color of spun gold, tresses of flaming burgundy fell to her waist. Her skin was tan and her eyes gleamed with golden light. As she stood, her dress crinkled, the long folds of it gathering at her waist. She wore a golden tiara with a sparkling diamond in the center.

Father knelt at her feet, and instinctively, I curtsied. My knees were sure getting a workout today. Morio bowed low and Iris dropped to one knee.

“Rise,” the woman said. Her voice rippled through the room, melodic and enticing. “Sephreh, introduce me. This would be your daughter, I presume?”

“By Your Majesty’s will.” My father rose, his eyes fastened on Queen Tanaquar. “May I present Camille, my eldest? And this is Lady Iris, and one of my daughter’s husbands, Morio.”

We waited for her to speak.

The Queen stepped out from behind her desk. She circled me, her gaze then locking with my own. “So you are the leader in our war against Shadow Wing,” she said lightly. “Surely a great and horrible task for such a young woman to bear. And half-human, on top of the matter.”

The leader of the war? That was news to me, but I had sense enough not to correct her.

She tapped one finger against her chin, still gazing at me. She was tall, taller than my father, almost as tall as Smoky, and she’d obviously been bred from royal stock. Her heritage was in every move she made, every gesture, every nuance of look. Tanaquar embodied everything her sister should have. The Court and Crown of Y’Elestrial would become a true monarchy, instead of a farce led by a demented dictator.

“So tell me, Camille, how goes the war?”

I flinched, wishing she’d asked any question but that one.

“Your Majesty . . . to be honest, I have no idea,” I said. “We’re doing our best to find the spirit seals and return them to Queen Asteria. That is our first priority. We’re on the track of the new demon general that Shadow Wing smuggled over Earthside. We’ve kept the director of the OIA apprised. The new general is known as Stacia Bonecrusher. She’s a lamia.”

Tanaquar’s eyes flashed and the crash of thunder echoed outside the palace. I had the uneasy feeling that there was some connection there. Just who was this Queen? We’d heard little about her when Lethesanar was on the throne, of course, but now—looking at the imposing figure who stood before me—I had the distinct feeling that our new Queen was packing more than royal blood on her side.

“You have allies in strange places, so I have heard. You mingle freely with demons and vampires and humans . . .” She paused, then her lips crinkled into a smile and I felt like the sun had come out. “You and your sisters have learned one of the most difficult lessons. Not all who appear to be our enemies are truly our enemies, and not all who claim friendship are to be trusted.”

“You haven’t heard anything about the sixth spirit seal, have you?” I asked impulsively. The minute the words were out of my mouth, I wondered if I’d overstepped my boundaries, but she laughed.

“I will see if we can pinpoint a location on the sixth spirit seal for you. In the meantime, focus on the Bonecrusher. Find her and destroy her. She is far, far more dangerous than you suspect.” She lowered her voice. “Shadow Wing bred the Bonecrusher with one purpose: to destroy. You will find no soft spot in her heart, no compassion. If she catches you, you will die most horribly. Karvanak was the boy next door compared to her.”

And with that, she dismissed us. We made our good-byes and followed Father out into the hallway again.

On the way to the carriage, I thought about what the Queen had said. If the Bonecrusher was truly that ruthless, we’d have to develop a plan to seek and destroy. There would be no room for errors like we’d made with Karvanak. He’d meant to kill us but failed. Stacia wouldn’t make the same mistake.

As the carriage lumbered down the streets of Y’Elestrial, I leaned back against the seat, deep in thought. Though I barely noticed the destruction that had been wrought on the city, it was there, even through the veil of night. The silhouette of mangled buildings rose into the night sky. Some were fully collapsed, along with piles of rubble that had been blasted off of their fronts. Y’Elestrial was one of the most beautiful cities there was, but it had taken a beating. Tanaquar had not been gentle in her siege.

We approached the outer circle of the city, then turned onto a long dirt path. We were heading home. I shook myself out of my silence and began peering eagerly out the window.