A look of relief swept over the Talon-haltija’s face and she smoothed the skirt of her dress. “We must go. There are things afoot in Otherworld that will have an impact on what we’re doing here. We need to bring Trillian back—we can’t afford to lose him. And . . . there’s something waiting for you in OW, Camille. For both you and Morio. You must make this journey. Major changes are afoot and we’ll all be caught up in them.”

“I guess that answers that,” I said. “All right, we’ll leave after we talk to Menolly. Delilah, can you fix dinner? The three of us should rest if we’re jumping portals tonight.”

Delilah nodded, helping me up. As Morio and I climbed the stairs to take a nap, I couldn’t help but think about the shadow that had come racing after Iris and me. But had it really been after me? When I really thought about it, I sensed the creature had been aiming directly for Iris. And what was it she’d said? “Retreat. Return to your cavern, creature of the dark. It is not yet our hour to meet.”

What did it want with her? And why did I have the feeling she’d already met the creature? Trying to push thoughts of the Bonecrusher, and of the shadow on the mountain to the side, I focused on Trillian. He was coming home, he was coming back to me. But through the joy, a little voice inside began to whisper doubts. What if he freaked when he found out I’d married both Morio and Smoky? What would he do? And what would I do if he decided he didn’t want to put up with the situation?

Unable to shake my worries, I set the alarm for just after sunset and climbed into bed. Morio seemed to sense my discomfort and slid his arms around me, holding me gently as we both drifted off to sleep.


“Camille, Morio? Time to get up.” Her voice was soft, almost a hiss in the dim light of my bedroom.

I blinked and opened my eyes to find Menolly leaning over me, a toothy grin on her face. A couple tiny drops of blood on her chin told me she’d had her nightly drink and I smelled chicken soup on her breath.

Morio had left several charmed bottles of blood in the fridge for her to drink while we were gone. Though she never asked, he went out of his way to make sure she had a variety of choices available, giving her a break from the unending taste of blood on her tongue. Through some sort of illusion/ alchemical magic, Morio had managed to alter the structure of the taste.

He’d even managed a good substitute for pizza. I knew, because I’d tasted a few drops, wondering if Menolly had just forgotten what food tasted like or if he’d really discovered a talent for blood cuisine. It gave me a weird sense of relief. If it ever came to it—being a vampire with Morio around wouldn’t be quite so bad.

She backed away as I slid from beneath the covers. I was naked, but she’d seen my goodies before. Morio yawned and pushed himself up to lean against the headboard as I stretched. Even though we’d only slept for about three hours, the nap had done me a world of good.

I scratched my stomach and sniffed the air. “Delilah cooking dinner?”

Menolly grinned. “Nope. Roz is.”

“Roz? I didn’t know he knew which end was which on a skillet.”

“Apparently so, or it looks that way to me. He’s frying up some sausage links and eggs, and has Vanzir making fruit cups and toast. Iris stumbled in on them, offered to help, and they chased her out of the kitchen. I will grant you this: The boys come through when we need them,” she said, her fangs beginning to recede.

“That they do,” I murmured. I picked up a towel and slung it over my shoulder. “I need to hit the shower. Can you hunt through the closet and lay out my traveling clothes?”

Menolly nodded. “Yes, but Camille . . . please, be careful. I have a feeling something could go horribly wrong over there, and you know that I’m not prone to premonitions.” She sat on the bed, glancing at Morio as he slipped from beneath the covers—naked as a jaybird and standing full at attention. “Down boy, unless you’re pointing that thing Camille’s way. Don’t wave your freak flag in my face.”

I snorted. “Don’t worry. I’m happy to say he always wakes up bright and perky like that.”

“I bet you are,” she countered with a laugh. “Get in the shower, both of you, and I’ll lay out your things. Morio, I assume that your clothes are in one of these dresser drawers around here?”

“I’ll be wearing jeans and a sweater,” he said, blowing her an air kiss as he wandered past and joined me on the way to the bathroom.

Once I had the water running full tilt, we climbed in and quickly lathered up. Morio reached around from behind me, soaping my breasts and belly. His hair fell forward, tickling my shoulders. He let out a low grunt and slid his fingers down my stomach to rest against my clit. I moaned, leaning back against him.

“Do we have time?” I asked.

“We always have time,” he said, then quick as heat lightning, stroked me with that featherlight touch that sent me into orbit every time. “Besides, it may be a few days before we can find privacy for this again.”

I moaned softly and spread my legs, and he slipped deep into my pussy from behind, his cock slick from the soap and water, his girth widening me with a delicious stretch. He reached around to finger me with one hand, and with the other, caressed my breasts.

I braced myself against the wall of the tub, making sure my footing was steady, as he began to thrust, taking long, smooth strokes that kindled the fire growing in my belly. The shower rained down on us like a waterfall and the drops trickled between my breasts, trailing down to where his hands played against my skin.

Pulling away, I stepped out of the tub, Morio following. He grabbed me and shoved me against the wall, rattling the shelves as he forced his knee between my legs. His hands traveled over my breasts, my belly, and he buried his face in my neck, nuzzling, nipping, sucking deeply. I knew he was leaving marks, but we always played rough.

“Fuck me,” he said with a low growl. “Let me inside you.”

I broke away and grabbed a bath sheet, throwing it over the mat on the floor, which was plush and thick. Morio lay down, quick as a fox.

“Come to me,” he said, a willful smile curling the edge of his lip. “Come with me, Camille. Ride me.”

I obeyed, straddling him, sinking down on his cock as he thrust upward to meet me, his hands gripping my waist.