I’d always been dominant, the rock of the family, the anchor for my sisters. And they needed me to be that way still. But with Smoky and Morio, in the seclusion of our bedroom, I could let them take over, trust that they’d protect me and help me forget about demons and battle and blood.

He lifted a snifter of cognac to my lips. I took a few sips and smiled as the liqueur burned a trail down my throat, leaving the taste of honey and wine in its wake. Before I realized what was happening, the cognac was followed by Smoky’s tongue as he leaned over the tub and pressed his mouth against mine. I opened my mouth to him as he gathered me to his chest, ignoring the fact that the water and bubbles were soaking his T-shirt and splashing on his white jeans. He gently probed my mouth, his tongue darting quickly between my lips as a strand of his hair rose up to curl around one of my nipples.

Dizzy, I leaned back and he reached for a towel. As I moved to get out of the tub he stopped me and lifted me up, pressing me against him as he wrapped me in the huge bath sheet, then carried me into our bedroom. Morio was waiting, lounging on the bed in a loose black and white silk robe.

As Morio dimmed the lights and pulled down the covers on the king-sized bed, Smoky lowered me into the soft folds of the comforter. He stepped back to pull off his shirt and unbuckle his belt.

I watched, breathless. He slipped out of the butt-hugging jeans and stood there, elegant and muscled, his body a mirror of perfection, his cock hard and erect. Morio laughed with an ever so slight rough edge, and slowly pulled off his robe. He was naked beneath it. His complexion was golden compared to Smoky’s alabaster, and he wasn’t nearly as tall, but he was fit and no less endowed. I gazed at them. Morio was right—I needed them tonight. I needed sex. I needed to unwind and let go of the tension.

I rose up on my knees, my heart thudding. If only Trillian were here, my circle would be complete, the loves of my life would all fit in their proper niches. But until then . . . a sudden streak of hot lust raced through my body and I tossed my hair back and laughed.

“Come and get me, boys.”

“As you will, my love,” Smoky said, pouncing on the bed next to me. He pushed me back so I was lying to his right.

Morio stretched out on my other side, propping himself up on his elbow, as he leaned down to lick one of my nipples. Smoky ran his fingers down my thigh and slid his hand between my legs, coaxing his way up toward my inner lips as I let out a small gasp. My body burned under their hands, sparks raging like a bonfire lighting up at the touch of a match.

Morio fastened his lips on my breast, nipping me with his teeth. The pain bordered on pleasure. I reached for his head, but two silken strands of Smoky’s hair caught my wrists, pinning them above my head.

“Give us your control. Give yourself up to us,” Smoky whispered.

I closed my eyes, then opened them again, wanting to see their faces, wanting to see them bearing down on me. Smoky’s eyes sparkled as he slid his fingers inside me and thrust deep. Full and yet not full, aching for more, I let out a sharp cry.

“I want you inside me. Or Morio. Or both. It’s all good.” My pussy throbbed, aching to be used. “Take me, please.”

“She’s ripe,” Smoky said, glancing at Morio.

“She’s hungry,” Morio shot back. “Shall we give her what she wants?”

“I think so, but not too quickly.”

I groaned as they joked together, ignoring my moans as they held me down. “Oh for the sake of the gods, just fuck me, boys.”

Smoky’s smile vanished and he leaned down to stare at my face. “On our terms, in our time. You will be silent, my pet, or I’ll have to punish you.”

I shut up. Smoky’s punishments usually didn’t hurt, though he had a thing for spanking and I allowed it because he put up with so much from me. But I knew from experience that he could string out sex to last all night, and he knew how to keep me from coming till he was ready. Oh, at times it was glorious—a fuckfest that was divine agony. But right now I wanted release. I wanted to leap over the abyss and go barreling toward the bottom of the ravine.

Morio laughed aloud as Smoky leaned back against the headboards and bent his knees. He encircled my waist, pulling me against him, my back against his chest and groin. He was hard and demanding, and his cock slid between the folds of my ass, testing ever so gently against me. I tensed, but for now he was just making certain I knew he was there.

Morio knelt in front of me, spreading my legs wide. He leaned between my thighs, searching for my core with his tongue. Sucking, biting, and then darting away, he teased me before settling in to fasten his lips on my clit.

The smoldering embers burst into flame and I let out a sharp cry.

Smoky’s hair stroked my body, squeezing my breasts together as the dragon held me fast. I thrashed, trying to move, wanting to hold Morio’s head as he tongue-bathed me, but Smoky’s grip was so strong that I was helpless. Frustrated, I panted raggedly.

“Give it up,” he whispered in my ear. “Give in to us. Let us take you down and bathe you in fire.”

Tears forming in my eyes, I let out a harsh moan as Morio slid his tongue inside me, darting quickly in and out, curling around the edges of my pussy to set off a trail of fireworks in his wake.

He rose up, then, to stare in my eyes. Feral, primal, the energy rose around him like a silken green veil. Smoky’s own aura flamed silver and when the two met they coiled like mating serpents, shrouding me in a cloak of passion that reached far beyond the human part of myself.

Each time this moment occurred, I wondered if I’d be able to come back, if I could return from the realm into which these men who were not men dragged me. We were bound, on a soul level, and sex had become so much more than just sex. We were soul mates as well as lovers, connected forever by an ancient ritual.

My thoughts went silent again as Smoky trailed a circlet of kisses around the back of my neck. Morio pressed his lips against mine and I tasted myself on him—and yet, it was sweet honey and wine that touched my tongue.

Lifting me gently, Smoky flipped me over so I was on my hands and knees, facing the side of the bed. He slid his fingers inside me, drawing out my juices to bathe his cock, then positioned himself at the center of my ass. Gently, he tested, but I was ready and he slowly began to thrust forward, taking his time to penetrate, letting me rest between each fraction of an inch. I was tight, but he moved slowly and a sweet sensation began to rise through my body. As I squirmed, then gave in, he began to gently pump from behind.

His lip curled in a delicious smirk. Morio stood at the edge of the bed, his cock poised at my mouth. “Taste me,” he said, his voice lusty. Smoky’s thrusts making me hunger for more, I welcomed Morio in as he slid his girth between my lips, filling my mouth with his warm and salty taste.