She nodded. “Luke’s on duty but I really need to draw up a few purchase orders. We’re almost out of Mindolean brandy and we need another case of vodka.” My sister owned the Wayfarer Bar & Grill, an official hangout for both Earthside and OW Fae, as well as Supes, vamps, and Faerie Maids—FBH women looking to get it on with an Otherworldly lover. The Wayfarer originally belonged to the OIA but that had changed over the past six months.

“We’re going home,” I said. “Morio and I will come back tomorrow morning. We’ll cleanse the lot and knock its ugly butt back to the Netherworld.”

Chase gave me a two-fingered salute. “Sounds good. Be careful on the drive home. You look too tired to see straight, and I’ve seen how Fox Boy floors the gas when he’s driving.”

Morio arched his eyebrows. “Suck me dry, human,” he said, but grinned. “I’m a better driver than you are, and you know it.”

Chase flipped him a friendly bird and we turned back to my car. I handed Morio the keys and slid into the passenger seat. As he buckled himself in, my gorgeous hunk of fox demon said, “Don’t get too comfy over there. We’re still on for tonight. And before you protest, trust me—sex will make you sleep better.”

Too tired to argue, I leaned back against the leather and breathed in his musky scent. As it blossomed in my lungs, I thought about the goshanti devil and the anger that propelled her.

A lot of young women had died on that land, tortured and sacrificed to evil. In some ways, I felt sorry for the devil and the thought of driving her out bothered me, even though we had no choice. Some demons were markers of the past, there to remind us never to let it happen again. And the goshanti devil, for all her anger and fury, had been formed by great pain. I wished there was some way we could pacify her and lay her to rest without destroying her.

But I had a feeling that it wasn’t just the women’s deaths that had summoned her. Whatever was causing the current spate of paranormal activity had nourished the conditions for the goshanti’s formation. And the energy behind all the ghosties and beasties haunting the Seattle night was growing in power. We had to find out what was causing it and put a stop to it before the city became known as Haunted Seattle. Sure, it might make a great tourist attraction, but living in Spooksville wasn’t likely to be conducive to happy, healthy campers.

I stared out the window, watching the bright lights of the city pass as we headed toward the border of the Belles-Faire District where my sisters and I made our home. Morio remained silent, his eyes on the road, but I knew all the way home that he was keeping tabs on me out of the corner of his eye, standing watch to make sure I was all right. And I loved him all the more for it.


Home was a three-story Victorian set on five acres of land on the outskirts of Belles-Faire, a seedy but comfortable district in north Seattle. Our land was filled with wetlands, skirting Birchwater Pond where we held rituals and holidays. I had an herb garden, and Delilah roamed the woods in cat form, playing with her unlikely friend Misha—a mouse—and keeping an eye on the local flora and fauna. She lived on the third floor of the creaky old house, I had the second, and the main floor was the common area for all of us. Menolly nested in the basement, her lair a vision of green toile and elegant ivory.

As Morio and I drove through the wooded suburbs, it occurred to me how much had changed over the past couple years since my sisters and I’d come Earthside, and not all of the change was for the best. But at least home was still safe and welcoming.

In some ways, I missed the privacy we’d had early on, but now our house was truly a thriving home, no longer a temporary sanctuary while we waited out the agency-imposed sabbatical the OIA had thrust on us. No, now our home was a sanctuary against the demon menace, and we were here for as long as it took to put an end to Shadow Wing’s plans.

In the beginning, it had just been the three of us. Then came Maggie, our baby calico gargoyle I’d saved from a demon’s lunch box. After Maggie came to stay, it was obvious we needed a nanny and housekeeper, so we’d taken in Iris—a Finnish house sprite (or Talon-haltija as her proper title was) who was also a whop-ass kind of woman. She had a lot of secrets, but we’d ferreted out a few, like the fact that she was a pledged Priestess of Undutar, the Finnish goddess of mists and snow. What Iris was doing here, working with us, we still weren’t sure, but we knew she was heart-and-soul loyal.

And then the men had come. My ex, Trillian, showed up and once again reentered my life. A Svartan, he was currently missing, but we were due to go home to Otherworld in a few days and bring him back. And then Morio and Smoky had interrupted my life. Rozurial, an incubus, lived with us, too, and Vanzir, a turncoat demon who had defected to our side.

There were others who came and went—Menolly’s girlfriend Nerissa and Delilah’s other suitor—Zachary—were both werepumas from the Rainier Puma Pride. And our cousin Shamas lived with Roz and Vanzir out in the shed that had become a studio.

Yes, our family had increased multifold. And even though it meant we’d lost some privacy, I liked the feeling of security it provided.

The house was silent when we pushed through the door. Iris had left a note on the bulletin board saying she and her leprechaun boyfriend were in bed, and Maggie was sleeping, and would we please avoid disturbing any of them. Rozurial and Vanzir were either out or in the studio.

Morio and I checked the wards to make sure everything was secure, then trudged up the stairs. The only thing I wanted was a hot bath, but both Morio and Smoky had other ideas.

Either Morio had let Smoky know how I was feeling, or the tall drink of glacial water had tuned into my mood, but the six-foot-four dragon was waiting by the bathroom door, his ankle-length silver hair unbound and coiling around him like snakes on a medusa. Without a word, Morio pushed me toward Smoky, who whispered something I couldn’t catch. In silence, two thick strands of his hair rose up to wrap themselves around my wrists and gently but firmly spread my arms wide.

I caught my breath as another strand of hair slithered behind me, taking hold of the zipper on the back of my gown and slowly lowering it. As the tendrils of hair slid the dress down my shoulders, over my arms, and to the floor, I stood breathless, naked except for my bra, panties, and stiletto ankle boots and I realized I was at the point where I wanted Smoky and Morio to take over. I didn’t want to do anything except let them play me as they would.

Morio unhooked my bra. My breasts jiggled free. Too tired to move, I closed my eyes as his hands slid around from behind to brush my nipples, his long black nails raking over the skin. He was leaving faint marks, but the burn brought me back to life, reminded me that I was still here, still in my body.

He slid his hands down my sides, curving along my waist, over my hips, setting off minor explosions all along the way until he hooked his fingers around the waistband of my panties, and just as slowly, lowered them to the floor, taking hold of my ankles to lift my feet one at a time. Tossing the flimsy silk to the side, he untied my boots and eased them off. I moaned gently as he worked his way back up the inside of my legs, over my calves, running his hands along my inner thighs, his touch exquisite and firm. I started to spread my legs but Morio stopped and gave a soft laugh.

“Not yet,” he whispered. “You need your bath.”

Smoky stepped forward and swept me up in his arms as Morio slipped into the bathroom. I leaned my head against my dragon’s chest, inhaling the familiar scent of his musk as I slowly began to unwind.

The bathroom was dimly lit, violet candles lining the vanity. The oversized tub was filled with bubbles that smelled like lilac and lavender and narcissus.

Smoky nodded to Morio. “Go and take your shower. We’ll meet you in the bedroom. I’ll bathe her.”

He lowered me into the water and I leaned back against the warm porcelain, drawing a deep breath of the fragrant steam and letting it settle in my lungs. Morio silently withdrew as Smoky knelt beside the tub. He picked up the bath sponge and dipped it in the bubbles, softly circling my breasts with the warm soapy water, pressing against my nipples, trailing the loofah down the center of my chest. My breath quickened as he moved the sponge to bathe my arms, then pulled me forward to gently scrub my back.

When I started to speak, he brushed my lips with his finger. “Quiet.”

Smoky was the only man alive who could make me obey with a single command. Whether it was because he was a dragon, I didn’t know. But when he spoke, I listened. Though I put on a show of arguing with him in public, when we were alone or with Morio, I welcomed the chance to let go, to surrender control, to let someone else make the decisions.