“Your father has sent me to instruct you that you are to journey to the Windwillow Valley shortly before the autumn equinox. Until then, forestall your worries.”

Bewildered, she cocked her head. “And where does he want me to go once I reach the valley?”

“Travel to Dahnsburg.” Yssak held up his hand before she could speak. “That’s all I can tell you.”

Camille sucked in a slow breath. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“There’s something more,” Yssak said, looking at me again, his lips set in a grim fashion.

A lump lurched into my throat from my stomach. More? I really didn’t want there to be more. More wasn’t always better.

“What’s going on?”

“This, I’m afraid, is bad news.” He didn’t look happy, but assistants—especially within the Court and Crown—were trained to be the bearer of news both good and bad, and so he straightened his shoulders and slicked back his hair.

“I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this. Your aunt Olanda was murdered by a sorcerer on a trip through Darkynwyrd. She was on her way to Y’Elestrial to see your father. Everyone was killed: your aunt, her attendants, and her guards. That’s my primary reason for being here. Your father sent me to escort your cousin Shamas home for the funeral rites. Olanda te Tanu’s husband and children must perform the Severing Ritual before the ceremony, which will take place on the dark Moon next.”

“Oh no,” Camille said, wincing. Aunt Olanda had been a sweet, if distant, woman. Father was closer to Aunt Rythwar, but Olanda had always been a warm presence in the background. We’d had little contact with her, but enough to know that she always tried to do the right thing.

“Do they know who did it?” I asked.

Yssak shook his head. “No, I’m afraid not. Her husband has hired someone to investigate, but so far, there aren’t any leads.”

“Camille, both you and Delilah should go to her funeral,” I said. “Father will need our support. I’ll stay home with Maggie and keep things running here. We can plan the trip next week. Yssak, please, have a seat while we contact Shamas.”

“You’re right. We should go,” Camille murmured as she picked up the phone. “I’ll call Chase and ask him to send Shamas home.”

While she was on the phone, I motioned to Roz and Vanzir. “Vanzir, I want you to stay here. Guard Iris and Maggie while we’re out. If Smoky or Morio drop in while we’re gone, call us. Roz, come with us.”

Vanzir gave me a curt nod and immediately went to the back door and locked it. “Don’t forget to have Camille reset the wards before you leave,” he said. “And—”

“Damn,” Camille said, hanging up the phone.

“What’s wrong? Couldn’t you get hold of Chase?” Delilah asked.

“No, I just talked to him. He’s sleeping at the station tonight, and he’ll send Shamas right away. But that’s not the problem. There’s been another murder. An elf—female. Looks like she got hit just like the others. Chase had an interesting piece of information, though. Apparently the girl was found in the vicinity of Harold Young’s house. Chase recognized the address from when he was checking on Sabele for us. Just something to keep in mind.”

Interesting was right. What it meant, exactly, I didn’t know. “Camille, do you mind if we take your Lexus? It will fit all of us, and you can crash at the Wayfarer for a bit while I check on a few things. Meanwhile, Roz, if you’d load Delilah’s things into the car, I’d appreciate it.”

Roz slid past, brushing up against me as he did so. I was still so keyed up from the battle that I shuddered and leaned toward him, my nipples stiffening as he pressed against me.

“I noticed the spark between you and Vanzir out there on the astral,” he whispered. “Don’t think I didn’t see it. You’re better off with me, and you know it. You know what to expect from me.”

I could smell him. His blood was running hot, and for once, I bit back an automatic retort. He leaned down, slowly, and kissed the tip of my nose, laughed, then headed out the door. I didn’t say a word. Not a word.


By the time we got to the Wayfarer, the place was almost empty. It was nearly closing time. I could tell that Camille and Delilah were winding down. Considering we’d been through two battles already this evening, I was amazed they were even still on their feet. We had a lot of stamina—our half-Fae heritage ensured that—but even we had our limits.

Luke arched his eyebrows as the four of us walked in and he let out a low huff.

“Finally decided to show up?” he asked, winking. We’d developed a casual but comfortable friendship over the past few months, and I trusted the bar in his hands, as long as Tavah was guarding the portal.

“We’re headed downstairs,” I said. “I’ll be back in a bit. If you close up before then, just lock the door on your way out.”

He nodded as we vanished through the arch leading to the stairwell. As we clattered down the stairs, I could hear Tavah talking to someone.

The safe room—or panic room, depending on how you looked at it—was in the basement along with the portal. We’d hacked into the magical programming of the portal to prevent Lethesanar from finding out we’d stayed Earthside.