“Oh, did you want wine? I thought you were drinking scotch? Not supposed to mix them are you?” She beckoned the waitress back who I thought was doing a fabulous job of keeping a smile on her face and not drop kicking my date.


Chrissy pointed at me. “He’d like a scotch please. What sort would you like? You must tell the girl, she’s not psychic.”

Lori had asked me not to discuss her with Chrissy so my safe topic of conversation was gone. I wondered if it had been Chrissy who had been Lori’s roommate and discovered her after her overdose but I doubted it. No, it couldn’t have been. I felt Chrissy would have stepped over her and complained about the body being in the way and then helped herself to Lori’s belongings. I now knew what purgatory must be like.

When the first course arrived, Chrissy took one bite of her pate before beckoning the waitress, stating it wasn’t good enough and returning it for a different course.

When the second course arrived things took a definite turn for the worse, even though at this stage I’d not felt that was possible.

My steak had arrived, and it was cooked to perfection. My mouth salivated at the thought of slicing through and chewing on a juicy morsel.

Chrissy had ordered a blue cheese salad.

I watched as she poked it around her plate. She kept looking at my meal and sighing.

“Is everything alright, Chrissy?” I asked her.

“I made a mistake ordering this. But I can’t send it back as there’s nothing wrong with it. I wish I’d had the steak like you ordered now. It looks perfect.”

“It is,” I told her while I placed a piece in my mouth.

She pushed her salad to one side. “I’m going to order one.”

I dropped my cutlery back to my plate. “But it will take a while and you already have a meal.”

“I don’t want it now. I want steak.” She told me.

I closed my eyes for a second praying to any entity out there to give me strength. “I already ate a piece of mine but would you like to trade? It would save waiting for another steak to be cooked.” I didn’t want anything prolonging this date any further than it had to be.

“That is so kind of you.” She said. I handed her my steak, and she tipped half of her salad next to it before handing it to me.

Half a fucking salad. Six feet tall, 182 pounds and eating half a fucking salad. The next thing I knew, she whipped her cell out and took a photo of me with it.

“I’m not really comfortable with you taking my photo. Could you delete it?” I asked her.

“Oh, don’t be so fussy. I’m just going to send it to Lori and tell her how lovely and kind you are inside and out. Then I’ll delete it.”

She returned the cell to her purse and then proceeded to eat the steak like it was the best cock she’d ever put in her mouth. I didn’t want to get turned on by the pain in the ass but she was making the most suggestive noises while sitting in the restaurant consuming her steak. She made Sally from the film When Harry Met Sally look like a mime artist. She was so loud people at neighboring tables began to stare.

After she had finished her meal and our plates had been cleared away, we perused the dessert menu and Chrissy declared she didn’t want anything.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, “Because I’m going to have crepes and I don’t want to share.”

“No, I couldn’t eat another thing.” She told me. “That steak has filled me right up. It was the most delicious steak I’ve ever had.”

Yeah, thanks for that.

“I couldn’t eat another thing.”

Well, I could because I’d only had some lettuce, spinach and a bit of cheese.

Chrissy finished off the wine while I waited for my crepes to arrive. When they did, she was nothing short of predictable.

“Oh, actually they look divine. Could I try a little and then if I like it, I’ll order some.”

She leaned over to my plate and cut a third off one of my crepes before eating it. Then she pulled a face.