“You joining the snitches club with our sister?” Cullen punches him in the arm.

I can feel Cullen’s eyes rake over my body from top to toe, landing back on my cleavage. His nose flares, reminding me of a bull, and I know I’m in trouble. I clench my thighs together. My panties are already starting to feel damp clinging to me. I also know I’m going to love every second of it.

Chapter 16


“Shortcake. You. There. Now.” I stomp toward the women’s VIP lounge tucked down a quiet corridor.

The sound of MJ’s high heels is muffled by the carpet, but I can sense her behind me. Fuck, I can practically smell her. My blood pools in my groin and a flash of red momentarily blinds me. I don’t know if I’m filled with anger or lust. I bang the door open.

Somebody in front of the mirror jumps. I flash my badge. “Out.”

I can only speak in single word sentences. I go to each solid wood door that hides a private toilet to make sure the place is empty before I turn to MJ, who is standing near the entrance with a wide-eyed look on her face.

“What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Wearing?” Her pants are so tight, they must’ve been sewn shut after she put them on and her top? Her top is non-existent. It’s a scrap of fabric barely holding her beautiful tits in place.

She shrugs and those luscious boobs nearly fall out. “A shirt and pants. Cute, isn’t it? Your sister got it for me.”

“Don’t. Move.” I tilt my head back and pinch the bridge of my nose. The need is roaring so loud in my ears, all I can hear is take her take her take her. I stalk forward, backing her up against the wall. The door starts to move. I slam a hand on it. “This bathroom is occupied,” I yell.

There’s a squawk of protest and another attempt to open the door.

“Get lost,” I growl. I look down at MJ. “Now where were we?”

“You were complimenting my outfit, remember?” she sasses me.

I suck in a sharp breath. “Dressed like that and you’re gonna act like a brat? Turn around.”

She scrunches her nose up, but does as I order. “Why? You gonna spank me?” she says in the same snotty tone and then caps off the attitude with a wiggle of her fine ass.

My hand burns. You bet your sweet ass, I’m spanking you. How can I resist? She’s literally asking for it.

“Unzip.” Or I’m tearing this blue fabric off.

“Why? It’s not like—“

I bring my hand down across both pert globes. She squeaks in surprise. I rub a soothing hand across the sting.

“Unzip,” I repeat in a hard voice.

“I don’t—“


She jumps in surprise. “What are—“


My breath is coming in pants. I’ve never spanked a woman before. Before MJ, I never even entertained this idea when I was jerking off, but whacking my hand across her juicy ass is making my dick so hard I could drill a hole into the tiled floor.

“I said unzip.” It’s a miracle the words come out at all, let alone evenly.

This time she obeys. The sound of the unspooling of the metal teeth are loud in my ears. I grit my teeth as my cock presses against the front of my jeans. As soon as her pants are loose, I push them down to mid-thigh and shove my hand between her legs. She’s wet. She’s soaked through her panties. Cream covers my fingers. I tear her lacy thong aside and shove my fingers into her dripping cunt. “Why are you so wet? Did you get off looking at those dancers?”


I withdraw and slam into her again. She shudders against the wall. “Then why are you so wet? Is it because you saw me and knew I came to fuck you?”

Her pussy contracts around my fingers. “Yes. I saw you and I got excited.”

“But you didn’t unzip when I told you.” I pull out and tap her ass, smearing her juice across her bare butt. “Is it that you wanted? To get spanked? Is that it?”

“No. But you shouldn’t—“


She moans. “Fuck. Why is that so hot?”

She sounds as frustrated as I feel. I expel a harsh laugh. “I have no idea, shortcake, but I’m so turned on I’m going to explode the minute I get inside your pussy.”

“And when is that?” she asks pertly.

I spank her again just because she’s being impertinent.

The door rattles against my hand. MJ tenses.

“I think it’s blocked,” I hear a faint voice say. I lean my weight against the arm braced against the door. No one’s getting in here.

I jerk her backward until she’s almost bent in half. “Hands on the wall,” I order quietly.

I undo my pants and pull my aching cock out. She’s quite the sight. In this position, her tits hang down like juicy peaches, ripe for the picking. One boob has escaped the top while the other is barely hanging on to one erect nipple. I reach around and pinch it, leaving it wet from her cunt milk. She sucks in a harsh breath, which makes those babies jiggle even more erotically.