Page 5 of Double Dosage

I hear his mother is descended from a long line of Romanian counts and countesses- distinguished progeny….

Nonsense! Word has it that he is a self-made man; clawed his way on up…

The scent of the mint is still fresh on his billions…new money

Oxford educated…

No! Cambridge…but not on scholarship, God no! His father supported him with the wealth amassed during the tumultuous days leading up to when the curtain came crashing down-and afterwards…

He and my older sister are engaged to be married…she tells me he is a spy!

I never knew you had an older sister!

Probably running from some crime, coming over here- all that wealth you know

All these facts inspired in Gloria the mental image of an aging, possibly East European James Bond type; a Russian Sean Connery. Coupled to being improbable, it was information she could do very little with. She was beside the aroma riddled table once more, and out of the corner of her eyes she spotted the flush-faced stranger ambling her way. Putting down her glass she waltzed down a hall way she had spotted behind a curtain on the other side of the table, positioned a little towards the corners. She stepped onto the black and white diamond shaped tiles, her feet sounded hollow against the confines of the rather long space.

Gloria observed the paintings on display as she made her way slowly deeper. They were modern pieces; nothing ancient. Around the middle the art displays changed to art sculptures, many of them mutant art. Gloria was not a fan of mutant art but she found herself absorbed in the sheer complexity of some of the work. One caught her interest in particular: a mold of mole pieces. There was a nose poking out where a leg should have been, and an eye to the left. She discovered several other pieces of repeating externalities poking up in all sorts of odd places- in the end she did not know what to make of it, nor the mind that conceived. She hugged her bare, round arms as waves of unease swept over her.

“Ugly isn’t it?”

Gloria snapped out of her daze, and turned to stare at the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes upon. Her breath felt cold against her lips as she gasped, not at the sheer beauty of this particular male specimen, but at the whole monumental contrast between him and the mutant creations that surrounded them both. She had the feeling of being tossed into a pool of harsh cold water, the roughness of the sensations numbing to the mind.

He rushed to her side, tenderly grabbing her elbows to prevent her fall as her knees buckled. Gloria quickly regained herself, her cheeks warm with embarrassment.

“Thank you, sir.” She said quickly, taking a deep sigh and smoothing her blue one piece gown. “I must have been that last glass I had, but I am fine now.” She continued, the embarrassment following suit. She also marveled at the intensity of his eyes, their sheer coal-black nature, a perfect match for the jet-black of his hair. There was neither a hair on his head, nor strand of fiber on his dark suit that was out of place. The word vampire floated to mind.

“Hmmh I did not hear you as you came…” she began.

“Neither did I hear you.” He answered, “Sorry I gave you a scare though; it was never my intention.” His voice sounded like it came from somewhere unfamiliar. It was definitely foreign, but Gloria could not place its origin.

“You did not scare me.” Gloria said defiantly, sticking out her chin in defiance. She ignored the hard beating of her heart within her chest, not sure whether it was inspired by fear, or the intense attraction she felt for this total stranger.

“Ok that is good because it is time I made my entrance, and I need an escort.” He grabbed her hand, in a puzzling blend of tenderness and firmness, and led her gently along the checked floor.

“Hey!” Gloria protested, or attempted to but her voice barely made it out of her mouth before they were bursting through the curtains to arrive before the table. She pulled her hand away from his grasp, albeit a little reluctantly, but stayed abreast of him, following him through the crowd to the far end of the room.

Heads turned as the pair stepped onto a makeshift podium that had been unoccupied up until that point when they stepped on. Gloria, not used to being the center of attention, was a little hesitant