“We certainly do,” Todd replied. His eyes twinkled as he smiled. I could not let these two move in. I would be hopeless. I would probably keep forgetting to move. In fact, I would win the record for the longest mannequin challenge while I ogled these two all day.

I managed to conduct myself for the rest of the interview in what I hoped was a professional manner. Then I showed them around and thanked them for coming.

“I have a few applicants to consider, but I will let you know later this evening,” I told them. It was very hard to not jump up and down and ask them when they could both move in.

“Not a problem,” Chase said. “We will leave you to the rest of your…strawberry cordial…”

I followed his gaze to the kitchen counter top where the opened bottle of wine was on clear display.

I looked back at Chase and he smirked. He was a cheeky one, this guy. I liked him already.

“Strawberry cordial is the best,” I replied. Then I showed them out of the door.

“Oh my fucking God, they were scrumilicious.” I shrieked. “I can’t live with them.”

“Why not?” Tiff’s face had hardened into a frown.

“I mean how am I going to live with them. I’ll be permanently in my room with my rabbit.” I exclaimed.

“They met at work. I wonder if they met behind the camera or in front of it?” Kayla asked.

“You mean they might do the porn?” For the bazillionth time that day my jaw hung open, I was going to need a physician for jaw spasms if I carried on.

“Could have started that way. You will have to ask them once they live here.” She added. “You need to phone them, like now, before they look anywhere else. They are sexy as fuck and they can help teach you sex by showing you their movies. They might even let you visit the set and get some hands-on experience.” Kayla chuckeled wickedly.

I walked back into the kitchen and drank some more red wine. “I did it. I fucking did it.” I told the girls. “I got two hot as fuck male roommates. Now get the pizza ordered. We need to celebrate.”

Chapter Two


I was amazed at how fast we all settled into the new arrangement. The guys worked long hours and often called to see if I wanted takeout. They were going to make me fat. I already had an ass larger than Kim Kardashian’s. If they did not stop feeding me I was gonna be as wide as I was tall, being as I was only a little over five feet. Chase was a talker. I reckoned I knew his whole life story by now and that of Todd too as Chase had no filter and just said everything he thought. He was so cheeky with it though. His blue eyes sparkled when he said something risque. Todd was not quiet either, though he struggled to get a word in edge-ways with Chase. Often he rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. It was nice then on times like tonight when Todd was home and Chase still working and I got to talk with him a little more.

“So, tell me more about how you started GoDown Films,” I asked him while trying to capture noodles with chopsticks. Chase had given a very speedy version of events, seeing as he ran at the mouth, but I wanted to know the longer, with all of the details, version.

“Simple really. I was working as an attorney and had to assist a company with the legal side of getting their business started. I saw how the big players in the porn world did not take kindly to anyone muscling in on that territory. Came across a few guys I would rather keep on my good side. I learned it could be pretty lucrative as long as you didn’t overstep. So, I set my own small business up, that didn’t worry any of the big players. Soon I did not need to be an attorney any more, which was twisting my balls. I had met Chase via the other company, he was a cameraman. We had had drinks a few times and hit it off, both of us wanting to make money, and he left the other fledgling business and joined in my enterprise. We never looked back. By keeping it small, we are left to get on with it.”

“God, it sounds dangerous, like the mob or something.”

“It is like any business, you have competition. With the adult entertainment industry, you can imagine, some of the bigger players send in the heavies if you are taking money or models away from them. We have learned how to work alongside them, we are no threat and they leave us alone. We reckon we will only need to work for about another five years and we should be financially set. Then we are done. It will be time to look around for the perfect woman and do the whole havi

ng kids bit.”

“Wow, sounds like you have it all worked out,” I said, wishing my own life had any hint of a happy future in it.

“It is all still dreams at the moment, Haley. Gotta have dreams.”

“I have nightmares instead,” I told him.

“How so? You are a beautiful woman. How come there is no Mr. Haley?” Todd’s eyes fixed on me with that dark, brooding stare and I kinda lost my train of thought for a second.

“I don’t have any luck with men. Tiff and Kayla are trying to help me. I can’t really say why, because it is embarrassing.”

“I wouldn’t say anything, Haley. I know we have only been roomies for a couple of months but you can talk to me.”

I sighed. “I suck at sex.”

Todd almost choked on a noodle.