Poirot said:

“Then I shall have to interview your client!”

Mr. Seddon said with a cold smile:

“That, I fear, will not be easy.”

Poirot rose and made a gesture.

“Everything,” he said, “is easy to Hercule Poirot.”


Chief Inspector Marsden was affable.

“Well, M. Poirot,” he said. “Come to set me right about one of my cases?”

Poirot murmured deprecatingly:

“No, no. A little curiosity on my part, that is all.”

“Only too happy to satisfy it. Which case is it?”

“Elinor Carlisle.”

“Oh, yes, girl who poisoned Mary Gerrard. Coming up for trial in two weeks’ time. Interesting case. She did in the old woman too, by the way. Final report isn’t in yet, but it seems there’s no doubt of it. Morphia. Cold-blooded bit of goods. Never turned a hair at the time of her arrest or after. Giving nothing away. But we’ve got the goods on her all right. She’s for it.”

“You think she did it?”

Marsden, an experienced, kindly looking man, nodded his head affirmatively.

“Not a doubt of it. Put the stuff in the top sandwich. She’s a cool customer.”

“You have no doubts? No doubts at all?”

“Oh, no! I’m quite sure. It’s a pleasant feeling when you are sure! We don’t like making mistakes any more than anyone else would. We’re not just out to get a conviction, as some people think. This time I can go ahead with a clear conscience.”

Poirot said slowly:

“I see.”

The Scotland Yard man looked at him curiously.

“Is there anything on the other side?”

Slowly Poirot shook his head.

“As yet, no. So far everything I have found out about the case points to Elinor Carlisle’s being guilty.”

Inspector Marsden said with cheerful certainty:

“She’s guilty, all right.”

Poirot said:

“I should like to see her.”

Inspector Marsden smiled indulgently. He said: