“You have a request for a meet here in the office by one of your card buddies-Alexander Yashin. I already asked the cooks to get the refreshments ready for his arrival. His secretary was very particular about his likes”

Leander grunted but said nothing. Layla continued sounding off item after item.

“Your brother Vasiliy sent a message to say that his son will be coming over to spend some time. He promised the details later.”

At this Leander froze, but just for a second before spinning his chair around to face the room length window that offered an expansive view of the Business district. Layla’s voice quickly faded into the background for a while as he took everything before him.

He had not heard from is older brother Vasiliy for a long time, and had not seen him for much longer.

“Prioritize the messages from Vitaliy will you? The others I leave to you to handle as best as you can” he said to Layla.

“I did not know you had a brother Leander, in fact I never even knew you had a family” Layla wondered as she rose form her seat. “The way you walk around, one would think you swam out of the primordial soup”

“Ha ha laugh all you can, but if you must know, we Russians are big on family and I do have a darling brother who means the world to me. I probably have not brought him up, because you haven’t asked”

“Whatever you say boss; I will keep you posted just like you asked but I would also remind you that the phone goes long distance, and you may like to reach out to your “darling brother” yourself for those details he talked about earlier”

“There you go! I knew you had jokes in you somewhere; now get outta here so I can get some work done”

When she eased herself out and closed the door, Leander swore under his breath. He had not kept in touch with his family back at home, half as much as he could. It was not his fault, he told himself; he had not really grown with them but he knew this was a lie; he had been almost fourteen when he had relocated to the United States. He mused that the difference in background meant he could not relate very well with them; another lie. The truth was he finally admitted, he was selfish, and really did not think he needed family at all. But this was against everything he had learned growing up as a kid. Where he was from, it bordered on deviant behavior, he thought acidly about himself. He could not explain his behavior but he consoled himself that it was thinking differently that had brought him this far and made him so wealthy.

But still, he stared apprehensively at the phone that lay on a solitary stool between the leather sofa and the liquor cabinet, at the far corner of the expansive corner office.

Chapter 3

Mary sat in the dark, in the old sofa to be found in the tiny, but functional sitting room in her home, and wondered for the umpteenth time why she was not out with someone nice or at the very least having fun all by herself-it’s a weekend for crying out loud she thought.

Andre had been gone for only a week, and she was already finding his absence unbearable. She knew it was just empty nest syndrome but still…

A lack of suitors was not the problem at all; beautiful, fully rounded, with full breasts, and a low lying, jeans-filling butt guaranteed to garner attention, she could easily have had the most active social life on the block; but she lacked the enthusiastic drive, she thought with dismay. As far as relationships were concerned she was a decided pessimist, and did not see any way that would change in the near future. All the men who came up to her where not able to see past the booty at her true self. What was it with men and ass? She mused in amusement. Maybe her standards were too high she thought.

Dressed only in her underwear in the dark sitting room, her nightgown laid out neatly on an easy chair, her soft, chocolate brown features were not at all visible in the darkness of the night. She suddenly made up her mind to sleep in the sofa, but not before switching on the telly, thinking that if she could not muster the energy to activate her social life, then she could at least watch others having fun. She zapped straight to the entertainment channel.


A few hours later, Mary was awoken by a persistent knocking on the door. Highly irritated and drowsy, she almost forgot to grab her, still folded, nightgown off the easy chair before stumbling sleepily, through the living room, to the door.