It had come—at last….

Were there voices—exclamations—feet mounting the stairs?

He could hear nothing but the beating of his own heart?


Then, suddenly, from frozen immobility he leaped into activity.

He slipped on his coat, tiptoed to the door and opened it. No noises as yet except the familiar murmur arising from the bar. He crept down the stairs….

Still no one. That was luck. He paused at the foot of the stairs. Which way now?

He made up his mind, darted quickly along a passage and out by the door that gave into the yard. A couple of chauffeurs were there tinkering with cars and discussing winners and losers.

Mr. Cust hurried across the yard and out into the street.

Round the first corner to the right—then to the left—right again….

Dare he risk the station?

Yes—there would be crowds there—special trains—if luck were on his side he would do it all right….

If only luck were with him….



Inspector Crome was listening to the excited utterances of Mr. Leadbetter.

“I assure you, inspector, my heart misses a beat when I think of it. He must actually have been sitting beside me all through the programme!”

Inspector Crome, completely indifferent to the behaviour of Mr. Leadbetter’s heart, said:

“Just let me have it quite clear? This man went out towards the close of the big picture—”

“Not a Sparrow—Katherine Royal,” murmured Mr. Leadbetter automatically.

“He passed you and in doing so stumbled—”

“He pretended to stumble, I see it now. Then he leaned over the seat in front to pick up his hat. He must have stabbed the poor fellow then.”

“You didn’t hear anything? A cry? Or a groan?”

Mr. Leadbetter had heard nothing but the loud, hoarse accents of Katherine Royal, but in the vividness of his imagination he invented a groan.

Inspector Crome took the groan at its face value and bade him proceed.

“And then he went out—”

“Can you describe him?”

“He was a very big man. Six foot at least. A giant.”

“Fair or dark?”

“I—well—I’m not exactly sure. I think he was bald. A sinister-looking fellow.”