‘Ah, but you see, it’s like this, Doctor. Winterspoon’s an expert—and you know what experts are. They talk so that the ordinary man can’t understand them. But as far as I can make out there’s a medical side of this business. Is it true that snake venom is sometimes injected for epilepsy?’

‘I’m not a specialist in epilepsy, either,’ said Dr Bryant. ‘But I believe that injections of cobra venom have been used in the treatment of epilepsy with excellent results. But, as I say, that’s not really my line of country.’

‘I know—I know. What it really amounts to is this: I felt that you’d take an interest, having been on the aeroplane yourself. I thought it possible that you’d have some ideas on the subject yourself that might be useful to me. It’s not much good my going to an expert if I don’t know what to ask him.’

Dr Bryant smiled.

‘There is something in what you say, Inspector. There is probably no man living who can remain entirely unaffected by having come in close contact with murder…I am interested, I admit. I have speculated a good deal about the case in my quiet way.’

‘And what do you think, sir?’

Bryant shook his head slowly.

‘It amazes me—the whole thing seems almost—unreal—if I might put it that way. An astounding way of committing a crime. It seems a chance in a hundred that the murderer was not seen. He must be a person with a reckless disregard of risks.’

‘Very true, sir.’

‘The choice of poison is equally amazing. How could a would-be murderer possibly get hold of such a thing?’

‘I know. It seems incredible. Why, I don’t suppose one man in a thousand has ever heard of such a thing as a boomslang, much less actually handled the venom. You yourself, sir, now, you’re a doctor—but I don’t suppose you’ve ever handled the stuff.’

‘There are certainly not many opportunities of doing so. I have a friend who works at tropical research. In his laboratory there are various specimens of dried snake venoms—that of the cobra, for instance—but I cannot remember any specimen of the boomslang.’

‘Perhaps you can help me—’ Japp took out a piece of paper and handed it to the doctor. ‘Winterspoon wrote down these three names—said I might get information there. Do you know any of these men?’

‘I know Professor Kennedy slightly. Heidler I know well; mention my name and I’m sure he’ll do all he can for you. Carmichael’s an Edinburgh man—I don’t know him personally—but I believe they’ve done some good work up there.’

‘Thank you, sir, I’m much obliged. Well, I won’t keep you any longer.’

When Japp emerged into Harley Street he was smiling to himself in a pleased fashion.

‘Nothing like tact,’ he said to himself. ‘Tact does it. I’ll be bound he never saw what I was after. Well, that’s that.’

Chapter 21

The Three Clues

When Japp got back to Scotland Yard he was told that M. Hercule Poirot was waiting to see him.

Japp greeted his friend heartily.

‘Well, M. Poi

rot, and what brings you along. Any news?’

‘I came to ask you for news, my good Japp.’

‘If that isn’t just like you. Well, there isn’t much and that’s the truth. The dealer fellow in Paris has identified the blowpipe all right. Fournier’s been worrying the life out of me from Paris about his moment psychologique. I’ve questioned those stewards till I’m blue in the face, and they stick to it that there wasn’t a moment psychologique. Nothing startling or out of the way happened on the voyage.’

‘It might have occurred when they were both in the front car.’

‘I’ve questioned the passengers, too. Everyone can’t be lying.’

‘In one case I investigated everyone was!’

‘You and your cases! To tell the truth, M. Poirot, I’m not very happy. The more I look into things the less I get. The Chief ’s inclined to look on me rather coldly. But what can I do? Luckily it’s one of those semi-foreign cases. We can put it on the Frenchmen over here—and in Paris they say it was done by an Englishman and that it’s our business.’

‘Do you really believe the Frenchmen did it?’