The Inquest

The inquest on Marie Morisot was held four days later. The sensational manner of her death had aroused great public interest, and the coroner’s court was crowded.

The first witness called was a tall elderly Frenchman with a grey beard—Maître Alexandre Thibault. He spoke English slowly and precisely with a slight accent, but quite idiomatically.

After the preliminary questions the coroner asked, ‘You have viewed the body of the deceased. Do you recognize it?’

‘I do. It is that of my client, Marie Angélique Morisot.’

‘That is the name on the deceased’s passport. Was she known to the public by another name?’

‘Yes, that of Madame Giselle.’

A stir of excitement went around. Reporters sat with pencils poised. The coroner said, ‘Will you tell us exactly who this Madame Moris

ot—or Madame Giselle—was?’

‘Madame Giselle—to give her her professional name, the name under which she did business—was one of the best-known moneylenders in Paris.’

‘She carried on her business—where?’

‘At the Rue Joliette, No. 3. That was also her private residence.’

‘I understand that she journeyed to England fairly frequently. Did her business extend to this country?’

‘Yes. Many of her clients were English people. She was very well known amongst a certain section of English society.’

‘How would you describe that section of society?’

‘Her clientèle was mostly among the upper and professional classes, in cases where it was important that the utmost discretion should be observed.’

‘She had the reputation of being discreet?’

‘Extremely discreet.’

‘May I ask if you have an intimate knowledge of—er—her various business transactions?’

‘No. I dealt with her legal business, but Madame Giselle was a first-class woman of business, thoroughly capable of attending to her own affairs in the most competent manner. She kept the control of her business entirely in her own hands. She was, if I may say so, a woman of very original character, and a well-known public figure.’

‘To the best of your knowledge, was she a rich woman at the time of her death?’

‘She was an extremely wealthy woman.’

‘Had she, to your knowledge, any enemies?’

‘Not to my knowledge.’

Maître Thibault then stepped down and Henry Mitchell was called.

The coroner said, ‘Your name is Henry Charles Mitchell and you reside at 11 Shoeblack Lane, Wandsworth?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘You are in the employment of Universal Airlines, Ltd?’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘You are the senior steward on the air liner Prometheus?’