Sonya was sipping on the punch when she noticed her. Melanie Beal, who she hadn’t invited, was wearing the blue orange dress that wouldn’t fit her. The neck line scooping down to reveal the perfect tops of perfect breasts, synching at the waist and flaring at the hips; her long legs exposed for the world to admire; and she was kissing Diesel on the cheek, lingering to close to his face, whispering something inane as her hand rested on his chest as if it belonged there.

“Who is that?” Samantha asked staring as well.

“The new deputy,” Sonya said woodenly.

“I can punch her face in if you want,” Katherine said. She stood six foot tall and Sonya didn’t doubt she could but she didn’t want to give Melanie any more importance than she deserved.

“Where’s Claus?” Samantha asked.

“He went to pick up Diesel’s dad from the airport,” Sonya whispered. “He’s going to drop them at the Waterville Hotel and then come over.”

Diesel looked very uncomfortable. Melanie was standing next to him, her hand on Diesel’s arm as if they were a couple. Sonya decided she wasn’t going to intervene. If Diesel didn’t want to encourage Melanie he would get himself out of her clutches, not hope that his girlfriend would do it for him.

“Hi Sonya,” Bill said laughing nervously.

“Hey, Bill!” Sonya said kissing him on the cheek in welcome.

“I’m sorry about Mel,” he said blushing. “I thought she liked me,” he gulped. “I brought her as my date, I didn’t know she was going to do that,” he motioned to Diesel and Melanie with his head.

“It’s not your fault, Bill,” Sonya said touching his arm. “That woman’s a bitch all on her own.”

Sonya could see Melanie from the corner of her eye laughing at something Diesel had said to Joe, the owner of the Pig Out Spot. The front door opened discreetly and Claus came in, his face a picture of worry. Right behind him were two men, one was tall and broad with silver hair, an exact depiction of what Diesel would look like twenty years down the line, and behind him a young man in his early twenties who gave a heart aching reminder of what Diesel looked like when he was younger.

Sonya rushed forward, her heart in her throat.

“Sonya?” Andrew Wake asked and she nodded. “I’m sorry for walking in like this but I kept thinking he’s only thirty minutes away and I couldn’t not come.”

“I’m glad you did,” Sonya said beaming, tears pricking her eyes.

“This is Keith,” Andrew said motioning to the young man behind him. “He’s my youngest.”

“Nice to finally meet you,” Keith said shaking Sonya’s hand. “Now where’s this brother of mine?”

Sonya turned to the crowd; everyone was enjoying themselves, a few couples were dancing and food was being brought in from the roaring barbeque pits outside. Diesel was standing in a group of friends Melanie by his side. Diesel caught her eye and smiled ruefully, rolling his eyes at Melanie who was saying something to him. Diesel noticed the intensity of Sonya’s gaze and glanced behind her. He stiffened, stunned at what he saw and Sonya wanted to scream; the anxiety was killing her.

Diesel left Melanie standing midsentence. Sonya could see that Melanie had not liked that at all. Her pretty face flushed and she looked positively vapid. Sonya dismissed her as unimportant. This was an important moment in Diesel’s life and Melanie Beal had no place in it.

Sonya took Diesel’s arm and found his hands cold but clammy.

“Diesel, this Andrew Wake,” Sonya said introducing the father and son. “And that’s Keith Wake.”

Andrew stared at Diesel, both unable to move, completely floored by their feelings.

“I’m your half-brother,” Keith said stepping forward and taking Diesel’s hand. “One of them actually; Brandon’s in Poughkeepsie looking after the store.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Diesel cleared his throat looking nervously from Andrew to Keith.

“There’s a private room in the back,” Sonya said reading the reaction, “Diesel why don’t you talk Andrew there?”